I can't do my wireless card

This is my screenshot of hardware information for my wireless card.
It know in hardware information but i can’t do network manager.


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This problem has been discussed many times.


I do all in this post but i can’t,How to do forward?

linhuanhui wrote:
> hi…
> I do all in this post but i can’t,How to do forward?

WHAT did you do? I’m not good at reading minds!

hi linhuanhui

try going here,

Broadcom 4312 success fimware install but no wireless - openSUSE Forums

and reading post #3; ie post number 3:

dated 15th April:

lwfinger commented that

The BCM4312 802.11b/g, which is the one you
have, will not work with b43. You need to use ndiswrapper with the Windows
driver, or better the Broadcom wl driver.

to that person he said

I recommend that you install the appropriate broadcom-wl-xxxx package for your kernel. If I remember correctly, you are running a -pae kernel. These packages are on the Packman repository.

so I think if you type

uname -r

into a terminal, that should tell you which kernel you are running

if you then go here

PackMan :: Package details for broadcom-wl

as deltaflyer suggested in post #6 of the above, you need to select the correct version and install;

I hope this may help you a little on your path