I can not start network manager plz help

I have just installed opensuse 11.3. I am absolutely new for Linux and for this forum. I have tried to open Network manager to configure my wlan. But its not starting. can anybody help me to start network manager and configuring my wlan.
Thanks in adv. for your help.

Which desktop are you using?

I installed Xfce on my laptop, and could not get network manager to work. I later did a reinstall using gnome, and it worked just fine. However, I had another problem with gnome, so I did a third reinstall with kde as desktop, and that’s what I am now using. With kde, as with gnome, network manager worked just fine.

If you are already using gnome or kde, then your problem might be with the drivers for your wlan card.

Thanks for your reply. I am using Opensuse 11.3 with KDE. In system tray it shows only system eth0 and when i try to use manage connections Wireless and Mobile Broadband are disable. I wanted to configure it with Network Manager but it do not starts and shows no error message either.

On 11/27/2010 06:06 PM, mumtazbcn wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I am using Opensuse 11.3 with KDE. In system tray
> it shows only system eth0 and when i try to use manage connections
> Wireless and Mobile Broadband are disable. I wanted to configure it with
> Network Manager but it do not starts and shows no error message either.

If the “Enable Wireless” button is disabled, then you have an rfkill problem.
Install rfkill with “sudo zypper in rfkill” and use the command “rfkill list”.
If hard blocked is set, that is the problem. To solve it, you need to switch the
radio on. As you didn’t say anything about your machine, I cannot help you any

Thanks for your reply. I think you have understand the problem. when i click from system tray to configure KDE Control Module, Wireless and Mobile Broadband tabs are disabled. I have tried as you told “sudo zypper in rfkill” and got the following result.

linux-a2tc:/home/mumtaz # sudo zypper in rfkill
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
‘rfkill’ not found.
Resolving package dependencies…

Nothing to do.