I Can Not Open VirtualBox, I Need Permissions

Hello All,
This is my first question here at the fantastic openSuse forum, I am seeking help with my Leap 42.2 installation. I have installed VirtualBox into my openSuse which I plan on using to run Windows 10 on, but I can not open my VirtualBox. When I try to open my VirtualBox program, a dialog box comes up that says

“You are not a member of the “vboxusers” group. Please add yourself to this group before starting VirtualBox. You could do it using: Yast / Security and Users / User and Group management. Don’t forget re-login your user account!”

So I have gone into my Yast/Security and Users settings and I see that under users, rocky is listed under login, with Rocky listed in Name, the UID is 1000 and Groups is users. (I do not know how to post a picture of that.)

I have also dragged the icon for VirtualBox to my desktop and in the properties, under permissions, I see that executible is marked and in advanced permissions everything is marked “can read and write.”

So can anyone help me gain the proper permissions for VirtualBox so that I can run it? This is a new installation of openSuse, and I would like to continue to run openSuse, but I need to use VirtualBox.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rocky Bennett

You could do it using: Yast / Security and Users / User and Group management. Don’t forget re-login your user account!"

In User and Group management doubleklick on your Username----Details and enable vboxusers in the right Tab. klick ok — ok, logoff from KDE Gnome or whatever and login…

Thank you very much, that worked like a charm. I am new to openSuse and I am trying to configure a few things, so I may have more questions in the future.

Thanks again.