I can not login

I changed my user settings to automatic log in.

Now it just sits saying automatic log in but nothing happens. I try using my user name and password but it rejects my password. How to fix?:’(

Boot to level 3 by typing 3 in the boot argument at the boot screen.
That should allow login at the CLI
then switch to su
enter root pas

Now type yast
In this basic yast, disable auto -login (and don’t enable it again!)

exit that and type

I get there. It says linux-zaqb login

I type my user name

then it says password

I type it and it says log in incorrect.

  • rosswmcgee wrote, On 11/14/2009 02:56 PM:
    > I type my user name

No, please type “root”, not your user name.


OK did that then typed password and it says

Have a lot of fun…

where to from here?


BUT. User login SHOULD work too. Then switch to su
This is preferred to actual root login

Ok now I am in the yast control center User group Admin trying to disable automatic login in security and users, struggling on the disable auto log in part

I am in yast/ security and users/

but the keys do not seem to manage anything, can not move around to do anything

I have manage to get to desk top root, reset user name and password/ rebooted and logged in
desktop is back but all previous data and packages are gone. I may as well have done a clean install.

The root desktop is not the same as the users
You may find it looks that way, but everything is there.
Considering it takes maybe 30 mins to install and that you have likely invested little time so far in 11.2 then a fresh install might be a plan

I only have one gripe with Suse 11.2. In 11.1 I was able to fix the Opera

applet path problem by installing the 10.1 beta at the time. Now that 10.01 is stable I have tried every way I know how to set the right java path to no avail. It even rejects the path that it comes with. When you go to tools, advanced,preferences ,content, java options.

You are right the install is easy. Strange that Ubuntu on the same computer sets a path that works. Why not in Suse is beyond me. Hey thanks
for your help, I do think the Suse forums are the best.

I don’y use opera from the repo but direct from Opera and install with

rpm -ihv *packagename

Works fine

I am in gnome 64 bit it will install but will not open when I do it from the Opera website. I try to launch and nothing happens.