I have a HUION H610PRO that works ok when connected to the computer. I have a dual screen setup and I am trying to lock the graphics tablet to a single screen. When I go to the tablet settings, nothing is detected. so I can not change any settings. Not sure where to start, so any help is greatly appreciated.
Bus 002 Device 049: ID 256c:006e HUION PenTablet
the other items on the list no related to the table have been omitted.
I’m not sure about your tablet and I am also not expert with this. Anyhow is it like similar to a wacom tablet ?
Please try this command and post the output as a reply.
If it’s in the repo install it. When you get it running fire it in a terminal and post the output.
If it yield something good about your tablet, we will try to map it in your desired monitor.
My guess is you don’t need to include the keyboard, it’s just the pen, do you?
I’m not sure but perhaps you may include it if only pen is map will not work.
So you have to find out now your connected monitors.
In the terminal do:
xrandr --query
or do:
xrandr --query | grep '\bconnected\b'
and post it back.
What DE are you using? Here I am using xfce 4.16 and I find it easier mapping my wacom tablet.
Save the above to your created empty file with a name
Then make it executable.
Just open dolphin find that file you created, right click on the file click properties and in permissions put a check on the box “is executable”.
Then close it.
In the directory where you save that file i.e.
open a terminal and do
Cross your fingers and see if the outcome is positive.
You will know if it worked because the pen will be limited to the left and right side edge of your display.
And if you draw a circle it will be a circle not an eggshape like.
Hope this help, if not we need some other contributor to chime in and help.
So I login to a plasma desktop and mine works.
However I guess you don’t need it in plasma(your using plasma right?)
I opened the systemsettings5 and there I saw that if your tablet is detected you can choose to map
it in the screen you desired.
So in systemsettings5 go to input devices-graphic tablet down at the bottom there are choices
where to map your tablet.
The choices are as follows:
Map to fullscreen, map to screen 1 and map to screen 2.
You just need to press the keyboard assigned to your different screens. eg: Meta+Ctrl+1 for screen1 and so fort.
Hope you find it there. if not please reply the script error in script I did for you.
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyX Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 131 (XInputExtension)
Minor opcode of failed request: 57 ()
Serial number of failed request: 30
Current serial number in output stream: 31
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyX Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 131 (XInputExtension)
Minor opcode of failed request: 57 ()
Serial number of failed request: 30
Current serial number in output stream: 31
I use Plasma. the issue is that when I go to the system settings it appears as no tablet is detected, and if I click to manually register a tablet there is a refresh button that does not detect it either.
So the settings are not detected. I googled a bit and find this link. https://nixfaq.org/2020/09/how-to-set-up-and-use-wacom-and-huion-pen-tablets-in-linux.htmlThis might be the case on your tablet. You might need some workaround as stated in the link.
read the whole article and take note of the part with the “xsetwacom --list”
You have to do some digging and rolling your sleeves up for a bit.
Best regards and please re-post kindly if you’re successful for future reference.
Thanks for the info. I tried doing this but I could not figure our how to install the kernel drivers. They have instructions for Debian and Fedora. I tried following fedora instructions but first command did not work (should I do this?). I am afraid to break the system.
Thank you for all the help.
Finally was able to complete all the steps. The issue is the same. My tablet is working, but I can not configure it because it is not recognized under wacom settings.
If I read correctly all those steps were to be able to have the tablet working, which it was in the first place.