Huawei E180 not supported+

Hello, I’m using OpenSUSE 12.1. Mobilebroadband is disabled so I can’t connect to internet using Huawei E180 modem. How to connect to the modem manually? I’m new to Linux so write in detail, please. I saw many people complaining about this. When will they add support to these modems?

If you haven’t done so already, install ‘usb_modeswitch’ first. This utility helps with the activation of some of these devices, which otherwise present themselves to the kernel as a storage device. (The E180 is one of many supported devices).

Open a terminal window, and become root with

su -

Install usb_modeswitch

zypper in usb_modeswitch

(* It should also install the associated data package for you)
The next time you plug in your device, note the output from

ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*

If /dev/ttyUSB0,1,… exists, then proceed with configuring via your network manager.

I clicked retry letter but it didn’t install it. Does it require internet connection?

I’m not sure if the install DVD contains the ‘usb_modeswitch’ and ‘usb_modeswitch-data’ packages. You could check with the YaST package manager. Alternatively, you could borrow a computer with internet access and download the required RPMs via Download openSUSE 12.1

Choose the appropriate 32-bit or 64-bit packages for your openSUSE version, and download to a memory stick.

Hi, I only have one choice. I downloaded it. When I installed the files, which are .ymp files, it failed

Navigate to

Choose the appropriate packages for your system.