How to upgrade from 11 to 11.1 ?

I’ve just finished intalation from CD with version 11.0, and now I want to upgrade to 11.1 from internet conection.

How can I to do this?

Some ppl around the time of 11.1’s release did manage to upgrade using the “zypper dup” feature, but I remember they had some issues (like not being able to log in). You could search for them, and see if you can cope with fixing stuff from CLI.

The Official way is to burn something like the Net Install CD and upgrade with that, may be re-installing would actually work faster.

If it were me I would just install 11.1 fresh, as you have nothing to loose. But you could try changing your current repo’s from 11.0 ver to 11.1 ver

then from software management, filter by repo
select SYSTEM
and do update all in this list unconditionally
accept any licenses.

Very tks guy, my S.O is running fine now.