How to turn off "Software Updates" notifications and tray icon

openSUSE Tumbleweed 06/10/2023 (x86_64) on kernel 6.3.6-1-default
KDE 5.106.0 Plasma 5.27.5
Qt: 5.15.9
Display Type: x11

Is there a way to completely disable the update notification icon that shows up on the system tray when there are new updates available? I manage my own updates so i dont need or want this.

AFAIK you can remove it (in the way you remove other things from your desktop).

But when you do not need it at all, just remove Packagekit. I have removed it (and five others) and taboo-ed it long ago.

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And just to mention, if you want to disable the icon showing up in the tray without removing the feature entirely:

  • Click the up arrow in the tray to expand the “Status and Notifications” section
  • Click the Settings-type icon in the top-right for “Configure System Tray”, go to “Entries” on the left-hand side
  • Scroll to Software Updates (probably under Miscellaneous)
  • Change it from “Shown when relevant” to “Disabled”

This is not an option for me it just says “hidden” [edit: Always Hidden, Always Shown, Shown When Relevant. I have no updates to apply when I try to do an update. Can I just uninstall that widget?

Re-read hcvv’s response about PackageKit.

Use the Yast Software module, remove Packagekit, and taboo it.