How to tile windows on NE, NW, SE, SW corners in Gnome 3?

I have just moved from Linux Mint 17.1 to OpenSuse Leap 42.1 with a Gnome 3 Desktop environment.

I would like to have simple keyboard shortcuts to tile windows, just as I used to have in Linux Mint.

Gnome 3 provides automatically the option for “View split on left” and “View split on right”.

However, I need also commands to move a given window

  • to the top right corner (i.e. Northeast)
  • to the bottom right corner (SE)
  • to the bottom left corner (SW)
  • to the top left corner (NW).

These options are not available from All Settings > Keyboard.

I have tried dconf editor, specifically under the schema org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings

There I do find the following options:

  • move-to-corner-ne
  • move-to-corner-nw
  • move-to-corner-se
  • move-to-corner-sw

This is precisely what I need; however, whatever value I ascribe to those options, still I can’t get those additional tiling functions working.

Can you replicate the same issue? Does anyone have an idea on what I’m overlooking?

I normally use gsettings… eg;

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-nw "as@ '<Super><Shift>Left']"

Or in dconf-editor use something like, depending on what keys you want to use…;


Hi malcolmlewis!

If I launch the command

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-nw "as@ '<Super><Shift>Left']"

then I get

unknown keyword:  as@ '<Super><Shift>Left']

As for the second approach, namely through dconf, that’s precisely the one that I mentioned in my post as not working.

Incidentally, the sort of simple and effective tiling that I have in mind is possible under Linux Mint and similar distros with Quicktile ( ). I tried to install it in OpenSuse 42.1 Leap, but I encountered some problems:

The creator and maintainer of Quicktile explained that there is a need to create some RPM packages.

Wonder if something is up with dconf since you can’t use the GUI…

If you fire up dconf-editor, locate the keys and press the default button, then try the command line again.

Works fine here;

malcolml@mizz-piggy:~> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-ne "@as '<Super><Shift>r']"
malcolml@mizz-piggy:~> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-nw "@as '<Super><Shift>l']"
malcolml@mizz-piggy:~> gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-nw
malcolml@mizz-piggy:~> gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings move-to-corner-ne

There are some gnome shell extensions as well for tiling at GNOME Shell Extensions

Ok, now I’m also able to move windows to NE, NW, SE, SW.
However, this is possible only if the windows are resized and not maximized or aligned on the left or the right side of the screen.
Furthermore, by moving a window to NE etc., that window is not resized to be a fourth of the screen: it keeps its original resized dimension.
This is not very practical, as it implies that first I need to resize each window, and then only I can move it to NE etc.
On the contrary, Quicktile allows to

  • move each window to NE etc
  • while resizing it automatically, so that if I’ve four windows open, they occupy smoothly all the screen’s space.
    It would be nice if even Gnome 3 allowed this.

AFAIK Quicktile code is too old… tried it but it wouldn’t work…

What about an extension, eg;