how to telnet to an openSUSE system?

I just set up two openSUSE version 11 systems.

I opened up a terminal, and tried to telnet to the other system, and it doesn’t work.

What do I need to do so that telnet will work from another openSUSE system, (or from any Solaris system) ?


Use ssh, sftp and scp instead. By default it should start on the
openSUSE 11 systems. You need to open the ssh port (port 22) via YaST->
Security and Users-> Firewall and select the ‘Allowed Services’ now
make sure it’s the external zone selected, then in ‘Service to Allow’
dropdown select Secure Shell Server and hit the add button and then

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 1 day 6:12, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.10
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 177.80

but I have other OS on my network that requires using telnet

How can I telnet from other computers (with different OS, such as HP UX, Solaris, Windows, etc.) to this openSUSE system?

ssh clients are available for all those systems.

This seem an old guide:

Malcolm helped me with ssh. I use filezilla on other non linux PC’s to access the server.

it’s as easy as:

from a windows pc in filezilla
enter username and password and port number

or there is always samba

  • serendipity1276 wrote, On 10/23/2008 06:06 AM:

> How can I telnet from other computers (with different OS, such as HP
> UX, Solaris, Windows, etc.) to this openSUSE system?

Unix/Solaris should have ssh clients onboard, for Windows there’s Putty.
These days there’s hardly a need to telnet into machines to remote control them. I use telnet only to check if a service is running.


How to get telnet server working in OpenSuSE 11.3:

What’s not being said here is that the actual rpm installer file for telnet server exists and is downloadable from SUSE, but was not included on the OpenSUSE 11.3 media. You see, the OpenSUSE community has dictated that telnet isn’t good for you, and thus has removed it from the installation media. Thanks, OpenSUSE - how very “Apple/Microsoft” of you to dictate what’s best for me.

So here’s what you do to get the accursed telnet server working in OpenSUSE 11.x:

Just go to the OpenSUSE download site (Click Here), navigate to 11.x (or whatever version your using).

Go to /repo/oss/suse/x86_64 (or i586/686).

Search the page/folder/directory for “telnet-server”. Whaddya know - there it is, despite having never been included in the downloadable install media.

After swearing out loud, Download, install and enable it.

su to root and edit the file /etc/securetty (that’s not a typo, that’s how it’s spelled), and add the following lines to the end of the file:


This will enable 5 telnet sessions.

Save and close the file.

That’s it. Telnet works.

Now go pester the OpenSUSE community about how the telnet server is good enough to be included with SLES 11 but not OpenSUSE 11.

sftp://serverusername@serverIP works on linux as well :wink:

There is limited space on an install media, even DVD so choices must be made. Since Telnet is going the way of the dodo…

Telnet itself is a very big security hole.

I wouldn’t say that it is dictated. I never found it difficult to install a package that was not part of the install media.

The last time that I ran a telnet server on linux was over 10 years ago. It has long since been superseded by ssh.

Only in the same way that lots of less frequently used software are not on the install media due to space reasons. Ubuntu also “dictates” this. Anybody who has enabled the main repo, which should happen by default, can install it using YaST or zypper, instead of the manual method you describe. So your conspiracy theory is misplaced.

I’ve only installed a telnet server once in the last few years for a legacy system that needed to use it (on the LAN). It’s pretty deprecated. But it’s a no-brainer to install it if you want.

On 2010-09-23 01:36, nrickert wrote:

> The last time that I ran a telnet server on linux was over 10 years
> ago. It has long since been superseded by ssh.

I have two embedded linux machines that come with only a telnet server (a router and a DTV
recorder). In one of them I was able to activate an ssh server, but now it doesn’t work with 11.2, I
haven’t investigated why yet.

So yes, there are some dodo devs or managers out there that think that machines should have a telnet
server by default. :-/

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

On 2010-09-22 23:06, highwinder wrote:
> How to get telnet server working in OpenSuSE 11.3:

zypper in telnet-server

That’s all. Done.

What, you don’t know the name of the rpm? Then ask zypper:

cer@Elessar:~> zypper se telnet
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name | Summary | Type
| perl-Net-Telnet | Net::Telnet - interact with TELNET port or oth-> | package
i | telnet | A client program for the telnet remote login p-> | package
| telnet-server | A Server Program for the Telnet Remote Login P-> | package

But yes, an admin that does not know this already is not worth of the admin name. And one that
installs telnet, and worse, for root, deserves to be sentenced out of reach computers for life.

There should be a mandatory examination before someone is allowed to install a computer.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))