how to switch from unstable kde 4.5 to kde 4.4.1?

Hi everybody,

I am using some unstable set of kde packages with opensuse 11.2-i586, at the moment the version number is

KDE 4.4.62 (KDE 4.5 >= 20100203).

That I have these packages is due to some misconfiguration / error, and I would like to replace them with something stable, say kde 4.4.1. I had a look into yast, found an option like “use these (kde 4.4) packages as system packages”, but run into numerous compatability issues afterwards so that I can’t make the switch.

So my question is: How can I replace the unstable kde 4.5 packages with kde 4.4.1? I don’t know suse very well, so if there is some step-by-step description available somewhere, I would be glad if you could point me to it.

Disable the UNSTABLE repos, Add KDE4:Factory Desktop repos, start software installer, select repo, click “Switch system packages …” on the top right. Same for Community and Playground repo.
That should change all packages to the 4.4.1 versions.

Good luck