How to stop CRON from logging every commnd once a minuite in journalctl

My journalctl is growing very rapidly because of CRON messages that appear every minute stating useless drivel about what it executed.
How can i stop this? I have rsyslog installed but it seems i cant stop it there
In /etc/sysconfig/cron I have:


Also, this seems to have no effect:

journalctl --no-hostname --unit cron --lines all _TRANSPORT=stdout

If you show some example of messages that are logged, someone may have an idea.

CRON[15425]: CMD ($SCRIPT_DIR/market)
cron[21162]: pam_kwallet5(crond:session): pam_kwallet5: not a graphical session, skipping. Use force_run parameter to ignore this.

Neither market nor runtime have any visible output, e.g nothing to stdout or stderr

Please, post computer text as preformatted so it becomes readable. You are explorer penguin, you should know it already.

Prefix crontab entry with -. Read man crontab.

Remove pam_kwallet from cron PAM configuration.