MySQL (well, MariaDB actually, which is a drop-in replacement by the original MySQL author) should be installed by default, you just have to enable automatic start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable mysql
For PHP I guess the easiest would be to just install the LAMP pattern: Enter YaST->Software Management, select “View”->“Patterns” and search for “Web and LAMP server” in the list on the left (in the “Server Functions” category). Tick it and click “Accept”. This should install both Apache and PHP.
Then enable automatic start on boot for apache:
sudo systemctl enable apache2
And you should have a working webserver after reboot. Call “http://localhost/” in a webbrowser to check.
2- Where do I place my PHP files and which local URL can I use to run the PHP files?
The default location is /srv/www/htdocs/, you can access them with just “http://localhost/” then.
There’s also a public_html directory in your home dir, which can be accessed with “http://localhost/~username/”…
3- Where are the mySQL database files located?
In /var/lib/mysql/ by default.
4- Any helpful information on running PHP/mySQL commands from the terminal
(5- Python too, any helpful info on how to run Python files)
I don’t quite understand. What do you mean with running PHP commands from the terminal?
You can run php scripts with “php filename.php”, is that what you mean?. The same with python.
Or add something like “#!/usr/bin/python” at the top of your script and make it executable.
For mySQL commands, just run “mysql -u root” and enter them. (or use any other user)