I just heard about the newly developed input method IBUS (ibus - Project Hosting on Google Code) the other day. Supposedly, it fixes a number of problems of SCIM (which, unfortunately, is pretty much dead upstream), and both Ubuntu and Fedora are moving toward making IBUS the standard input on their systems.
Interestingly, there’s nothing on the openSUSE forums yet, so this thread is supposed to fill the void and become, eventually, a how-to guide for running IBUS on openSUSE 11.2.
I’ve tried to get IBUS running the past few days, but without succcess so far. Perhaps some of you how got it up and running already can help me out?
What I got so far:
According to webpin, all relevant files are available under:
Index of /repositories/home:/j-engel/openSUSE_11.2.
Another user recommended the m17n devel repository:
Index of /repositories/M17N:/Devel/openSUSE_11.2
This might fix some problems I’ve been having, but
The IBUS website also mentions the repository Index of /repositories/home:/swyear for openSUSE, but as far as I can see, the IBUS files don’t exist there anymore.