How to remove folders from desktop?

how can i remove the recycle bin and the my documents folder from the desktop in opensuse 11.2? they are automatically there since you install the OS, but i cant delete them by clicking with the right mouse button then deleting! sorry for the noob question, but this is annyoing me! lol

  • masksalesman,

Gnome, KDE…?



Edit the file “/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.vendor/%gconf-tree.xml”. For example, to hide the “home” dir, insert “<entry name=“home_icon_visible” mtime=“1256658877” type=“bool” value=“false”/>” after line 381.


buckesfeld, gnome…

  • masksalesman wrote, On 11/27/2009 04:56 PM:
    > buckesfeld, gnome…
    Launch the gconf-editor, then go to /apps/nautilus/desktop and delete what you don’t need.
