How to "re-trigger" the install?

I’ve noticed that when I have installed OpenSuse 11.0 on my laptop (while tinkering/learning), that as soon as the the “first run” of the operating system spins up after install from the CD and that first boot from hard drive, it will ask me whether I want to configure the BCM4306 wifi drivers. However, I have declined that in the past since I didn’t have an ethernet connection at that moment when it asked me that.

I have never been able to get it to ask me that question again. I would love for it to set itself up, so…

Is there a way I can either get it to ask me again if I want to configure the bcm4306 … or, perhaps even get it to “reinstall” for a first run from the hard drive (as if I had just installed OpenSuse 11.0 from CD media a moment before)?


Easiest way would be to go to YaST - network devices - network settings & configure it there
