How to migrate from MicroOS (server) to Aeon?

Hi, I’ve installed MicroOS around a half a year ago and I’m very happy with it. Lately I wanted to start using my server (in addition to hosting some docker services) as a console to stream my steam games using Moonlight.

I tried the “easy” way of just installing gnome, then i3, plasma etc using transactional-update but always ended with a non functional desktop. I had success with SDDM setup but regardless of DM I chose I always ended with a broken graphical UI (mostly white screen, no visible ui elements, no normal fonts, some squares instead of text, creating terminal in i3 created some weird rectangle etc).

Long story short, what would be the easiest way to somehow rebase my system to Aeons image?

You don’t.

You would go download the Aeon installer, and just install it. Assuming you’ve got a large enough USB Stick, Aeon will automatically backup your $HOME and migrate it to the new Aeon installation.

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