How to keep Leap 15.1 in "development" or available for 15.2 next beta??


Still fairly new to OpenSUSE and the Yast capacities . . . over in ubuntu based systems if I want to be able to upgrade to the next available version I can change the “software sources and updates” from “let me know about LTS only” to “let me know about the next available update” . . . something like that, and then I can run “do-release-upgrade” and it will pull in the packages to do that.

I’ve run TW for awhile, but then changed over to 15.1 Beta . . . and for an all-around system I like Leap pretty well, boots up fast, responds to “wake from suspend” with a mouse click . . . but, I also like the “development” systems, over “stable release” . . . seems like 15.1 has gone “prime time” . . . will there be a 15.2 beta coming up? or it will jump up to what Leap 17.0 beta???

Is there a way to set Yast somewhere that would let me do a command line upgrade to the next Leap chapter? or, nope, only nuke n pave fresh install??


I am not quite sure about what you want (I know nothing about what you tell about Ubuntu, thus that piece of background information does not help me).

Tumbleweed is the rolling release and thus you will be “up-to-date” when you regularly install it’s new snapshots (which technicaly viewed from zypper are new versions of the whole distribution, thus the zypper dup).

Leap versions are as stable as possible. Only security and recommened updates (often backported) are published (as patches in the Update repos, thus zypper patch, or when you want zypper up, will install them). So no newer versions of software during the lifetime of a Leap version. That means that you will not get surprises like changed user interfaces (with new, unwanted features) and the like that may be brought in by a needed security patch.

In the mean time a new Leap version is constructed and travels through the usual stages of Alpha, Beta, etc. You may join in runing and testing it. Some searching (or someone posting it here for you) will bring you to the download of the new version and the mailing list where to contribute your experiences.
There will be ample anouncements made when the new Leap (I assume it will be 15.2) will be introduced. Watch the forums!


OK, yes, it doesn’t seem like there are direct approximations across the two systems . . . but, yes, in ubuntu if I wanted to be able to “step” into the next release without doing a clean install, I can do that by adjusting the item in “software sources” . . . . And, I installed the Beta of 15.1 a few months back and kept it up to date, but it sounds like from what you are saying that to get to 15.2 I would have to do a fresh install, rather than either using something in Yast to pull the packages in or running some command to upgrade from 15.1 to .2??


It is being tested right now, except that it is 15.2Alpha.

openSUSE Leap 15.2 start of development


OK, thanks for the link . . . according to that it seems like 15.2 is a “modification” of 15.1 . . . ??? But same question, is there a way to adjust Yast that would “add” the packages for the 15.2 Alpha systems?? Is this something like checking a “development pattern” in Yast will, let the zypper install the alpha phase? Or it has to be a totally fresh install??

In theory yes just point to the 15,2 repos and do a zypper dup. But you may have other repos in use that do not yet have a 15.2 equivalents thus that stuff will most likely break. Also remember this is a alpha version thus is probably not stable by definition. It is probably wise to test in a VM or dedicated hardware. If you need a stable operating environment don’t do a upgrade of a stable system.


If you are a new User, you might find the slidedeck for my openSUSE presentation useful… It’s presentation flow takes you through pre-install decion-making and an actual install, then some suggested things to do immediately after your install and where to go from there.

When you’re ready to upgrade to the next version, people will be taking about it.
There are two main ways to upgrade which more or less are similar to what you described for Ubuntu,

The online upgrade, you point your system to the new repositories and execute a command to upgrade

The offline upgrade, you download the DVD or NET installs, the run from the DVD or NET medium

Both upgrade methods work well, but of course the online upgrade requires a reliable, high quality Internet connection.
With the offline DVD upgrade, your upgrade is sourced only from the DVD (unless you tell the install to do otherwise) so no network connection is required.



OK, got it . . . I don’t entirely need “stable” . . . as I have a “rolling” install and a debian “sid” install . . . but I don’t like time consuming “breakdowns” . . . . But, as part of the “development” of 15.2 . . . if something “broke” then it might be “fixed” at some point??

Maybe this could be done as a “persistent live usb” bootable and upgrade-able system ??? Or, wait for Beta . . .


OK, this link does look like what I would be looking for using terminal to upgrade . . . but, then obviously, there has to be a “release upgrade” available . . . like 15.2 has to be available as “ready” . . . which might be “post-beta”???

As other’s have indicated, it is possible to upgrade to Leap 15.2. But I don’t recommend it at this stage.

At present, I have Leap 15.2 installed in a virtual machine. I won’t install in a physical machine until maybe 6 months down the road.

Thanks . . . I might try to do a “persistent live” system and run it that way . . . .

If you just want rolling then use Tumbleweed. It will be much better then playing with 15.2 alpha


Thanks for the thoughts, likely good advice . . . I was running TW, but I have 5 or 6 linux installs and the TW/rolling edition was a tad “high maintenance” . . . and then on the Sid install I screwed up by running an update through the GUI instead of the terminal and it wiped out aspects of the TW partition in the same disk, so I decided to try Leap on the reinstall and overall I like it . . . but I also like getting the “development” versions to test the “freshness.”

Hi, maybe this makes things a bit more clear. Try to step away from your Ubuntu based ideas of distro development models, since openSUSE / SUSE’s completely different. No offense meant, I’ve had discussions about this dozens of times :slight_smile: and we are different :D.

We have

  • Tumbleweed - Rolling
  • Leap - Stable point release

The model:

  • Tumbleweed is the base for ( SUSE Linux enterprise ), currently SLE 15 SP2
  • SUSE shares it’s code base to openSUSE Leap, i.e. SLE 15 SP1 => Leap 15.1, SLE 15 SP2 => Leap 15.2
  • Upgrades from 15.x to SLE 15 are supported
  • Ditto from 15.x to Tumbleweed
  • Every released version, i.e. also every TW snapshot needs to pass’s automated testing before being released to the repos.
  • Leap .x releases are developed in a rolling way, i.e. there are no real alphas, betas, RC’s, but instead a shapshot release is generated from OBS ( the open build service ) to openQA, and after testing the distribution repo is updated. This means that during development phase ‘zypper dup’ is best practice. Despite of all this testing, things can break during development phase.

A personal note: I see lots of people running Leap, then adding Kernel:/, KDE:/ repos and whatever other. IMHO this often results in some kind of untested Tumbleweed :D. A second thing is the many people adding KDE repos to TW, which IMNSHO is nonsense. Most of the time upstream KDE is in TW shortly after upstream release, unless things upstream are broken and f.e. openQA or OBS detect that. But still.
Summarizing: if you want something like development mode: run Tumbleweed. Your gain will be that contrary to development mode, you’ll have tested snapshots.

Yes, I agree.

If you really want the latest KDE, then it makes more sense to use Tumbleweed rather than Leap.

If you really, really want Leap with the latest KDE, then download the latest Argon live iso, and install from there.

A second thing is the many people adding KDE repos to TW, which IMNSHO is nonsense.

Again, I agree.

I’ve actually tested this. When there’s a new KDE release, you typically see it within around 3 days on Tumbleweed. yes, you can see it more quickly with Krypton (Tumbleweed + unstable KDE), but it is worth the extra two or three days for the greater stability with Tumbleweed.


Thanks for the details, I would have replied sooner except that the Leap Browser was “having difficulties connecting to the site” . . . switched over to Siduction and it went through. So, yes, OpenSUSE is “different” and I’m still trying to figure that out . . . been kicking around in alternative to OSX options since starting off in Fink, and then to Debian, which has its own “purist” enthusiasts . . . a few others, and now exploring OpenSUSE thanks to a gent on the ubuntu apple user forums a few years back, saying, “their stack is newer” . . . which I still don’t know the full meaning of that. : - ) But, it’s just like “motorcycles” or “people” . . . each has “something great” and then “something flawed” . . . hence the statement, “no perfect motor” or “no perfect person” or . . . “no perfect operating system.” No offense meant against any of them or one . . . .

Lots to explore, I have spent some time with TW and now I’m looking at Leap 15.1 . . . thanks for the link to the “OpenOA” . . . that seemed to show up in the email sent to me, but not over here . . . I’ll have to take a look through that . . . to try to get the relationship of “next” to Leap and so forth . . . .


Thanks agaiin to you for the thoughts . . . when I was scrolling through the OpenOA testing list I did see the “Argon” and “Krypton” titles . . . both sound like they might be “amusing” to play with . . . ??? : - )))

Just as an update on the theme of Leap 15.1 . . . yesterday I ran an install of Leap 15.1 on my '09 MacBookPro and other than having to do a bit of “fiddling” to get legacy b-43 driver installed for wifi, all went well. The “import previous profile” feature seemed “new” but very helpful as I was installing/wiping a previous ubuntu based system . . . . Other issue was the “EFI partition is less than 256MB and might not boot” error, was kind of a pain, as Apple sets the EFI partition at 200 MB . . . and I think on another install that message actually did “break” the install, but this time it went through, GRUB works, and system boots up fast . . . remembered how to add the nvidia option to repos and then install the drivers.

Looks good.


The EFI warning is reflecting new recommendations because that EFI boot is FAT/ExtFat and there are some reasons on very large drives to allow the extra space in most case if you have at lest 100 meg and don’t plan on dozens of OS all is good since the boot code in there seldom goes very high


Right, well, “It’s all good” as they say . . . in this case it “went through” . . . but not having messed with that partition too much, if at all, it is a “hidden” partition to OSX, etc . . . I don’t know if there is too much extra space in front of the OSX partition to expand on the EFI partition, even if I wanted to . . . I think usually the GRUB file is maybe 10 MB??? . . . OSX gives 200 MB, but I don’t know how “messed up” it is in there, having a new SSD installed 6-8 months ago . . . which might explain why in previous OpenSUSE installs on that computer with old HD, might have had more old GRUB files that didn’t give enough “head space” but now, fresher SSD maybe there was enough free space??

Anyway, all is well with it . . . only problem is Twitter isn’t letting me “in” saying, “something wrong” . . . when I flipped over to OSX it was fine, odd that Twitter is picking nits on this OS, as I have so many Oss that I use regularly to spin through the various social media sites . . . maybe it’s because this is the only “GNOME” DE item???