How to install latest Nvidia driver in easy way.
@coderhasib Hi and welcome to the Forum
That all depends on the hardware, can you post the output from inxi -GSaz --zu
Generally speaking, installing the Nvidia drivers is sooo easy that it becomes difficult with a tiny bit of overthinking.
More likely than not, “zypper inr” is all you need to know.
It seems you didn‘t follow any threads regarding dual graphics.
It is not only about installing drivers but getting the right card to use. So a simple zypper inr won’t help on Optimus Laptops. Better let experienced users like Malcolm help in such case…
Hi @hui,
zypper has become much better with dual graphics over the last couple of years. If “zypper inr” fails to meet the actual need, then I agree, Malcolm is a MUCH better resource than me! I suggested “inr” as an “easy” first step.
As already written: it is not about installing the drivers. It is about using the right card: offload, prime-run and so on. And there are good wikis.
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