how to install java1.6.0 in open suse 11..Plz help me


i am very new to SuseLinux. i need to install java1.6.0 in my suselinux11 operating system.i download “java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u11-4.2.i586.rpm” i used this cmd to install java
rpm -i java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u11-4.2.i586.rpm
but it’s giving error like this:
error: failed Dependencies:
java-1_6_0-sun = 1.6.0.u11-4.2 is needed by java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u11-4.2.i586
jre-1.6.0-sun = 1.6.0.u11-4.2 is needed by java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u11-4.2.i586

plz plz anybody help me…it’s urgent

wating for ur’s reply…

Thanks & Regards,


Why not install from a repo using YaST? That will take care of the dependencies automatically.

thanks for ur reply…
yes i tried by yast-> software->software management then s/w repo.
but not getting.
if there is any other way.plz tell me

I think the java-1_6_0-sun* packages come from the non-OSS repo. Make sure you have this repo enabled.

ya i check it’s enable only…once we download from the s/w repo. then what ll be the next step to install it…i used rpm cmd…but getting failed dependencies…

It’s in the non-oss repo. Make sure that repo is enabled then do an online update in yast. It will take care of deps. Don’t download the rpm.

ok…can u plz tell me how to set classpath…


i think you only have downloaded only a plugin not the JDK.
you can get it from the sun’s site it’s with the extension *.rpm.bin

No need to install a JDK (Java Development Kit) for an ordinary user. Just install a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). You can download it from I would opt for downloading Linux RPM (self-extracting file).

I make it this way:

  1. open the .bin file as an archive (I use 7-zip on Windows or in Linux via Wine, but ark, probably, should do it as well);
  2. extract the RPM contained therein to any directory;
  3. install the RPM, either:
    3.1) right-click on the file in Konqueror (presuming, you use KDE 3.x) → Install with Yast2, or
    3.2) become superuser and enter
    rpm -ivh <name of the file>.rpm
  4. now, the tricky thing: setting the newly installed JRE as default:
    4.1) find, where the new JRE resides, should be somewhere in
    4.2) in terminal (become superuser):
update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java"
"/usr/java/jre1.6.0_07/bin/java" 1

4.3) then

update-alternatives --config java

4.4) you’ll see a dialog, quite self-explaining, to choose the default JRE from installed options, simply enter 1 and confirm.

I think the OP is better off installing from the repo where the packages have already been configured to work out of the box. The mapping is:

java-1_6_0-sun = JRE
java-1_6_0-sun-devel = JDK