how to install drivers

how do I install network card drivers in suse 11.3?

Why do you think that you need to. Installing device drivers à la Microsoft is generally not necessary with Linux. What sort of network card is it, and why do you think it is not working?

11.3 is a bit old, and it may be advisable to upgrade.

It is an old IDE driven machine and I cant upgrade to an ATA machine until July I think the card aint workin because I cant get on the internet its a Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection I think I have drivers for it from novell but no one instructed me on how to install them

Please post here the results of this command:

su -c “ifconfig; iwconfig; hwinfo --network”

That will look a little at what you have and how it’s recognised and deployed (if at all). Be exact with the command, no typos.

Also, can you type here the filename for the network driver.

they are ce1000_000512 two files in the folder one is ce1000.LAN and the other is ce1000.LDI

Do you need help in running the command and copying the results back here?

No I need help in what command to run to do this in.? yes I am a newbie linux user dont dislike me for that.

If you’ve got KDE desktop, go to the menu and in search bar at top type konsole. Open it and type the command and press enter. Enter root password when asked. The text output is what you want. Use your mouse to copy the text. Paste it back here in a forum post.

If you’ve got Gnome desktop open gnome terminal from applications in the menu and proceed similar to if KDE.

That might be difficult without a network connection.

Those are for Novell Netware, and not useful for Linux.
All current versions of Linux will have built-in drivers for your ethernet card.
Can you say which version of openSuSE you are using, and what sort of desktop (e.g. KDE or Gnome)?
Did you install this? If so how?
If you are stuck, posting a photograph of your screen will probably help someone recognise it.

OK, add the follwing steps:
paste into an openoffice wordprocessor file, save that to a usb pen drive as a .doc file, take that to a windows machine, open it in ms office, copy/paste the text back to a forum post from Internet Explorer :open_mouth:
[the openoffice is needed because ms Notepad is poorly with a Linux text file].

I think that Wordpad is OK with 'nix text files – but I cannot test it.

This is correct. Wordpad properly recognizes linux and windows new line codes and is installed by default on every standard windows. So just use it instead of Notepad :slight_smile:

Best regards,

well I did the command I was supposed to do and it kept telling me incorrect password and yes I did a self install i can post to the forum alright I just can’t surf the web. I think i might try 12.1 and see if that gives me better luck.

Then you network is working.

I just can’t surf the web.

Please explain exactly what you do, what you e.xpect to happen, and what actually happens

I think i might try 12.1 and see if that gives me better luck.

I do not think that 12.1 will change your problem, but may introduce others.

There’s a way to reset the root password, but it’s quite difficult for folks who are very new users of Linux, unfamiliar with console windows. If you don’t know the root password, you’re pretty much stuck for any configurations forever. So you might as well reinstall, and write down the root password. The default option when installing is to use the same password for root (administrator in windows terminology), the same password as your own personal password, did you notice that?

Did you change keyboard after install and does your password contain "y"s and "z"s? Then try to type y instead of z and vice versa. If you changed keyboard-layout, the root password is likely to be in the layout of install (if you are 10finger blind typing).
Control also if “Caps-Lock” is on by any chance. Also control if it is a keyboard with integrated num-pad (one with function key activation) that it is off.
There are chances that you are/were typing something else than you think you do /did when you did the install.

On Mon January 9 2012 11:16 pm, Synic74 wrote:

> well I did the command I was supposed to do and it kept telling me
> incorrect password and yes I did a self install i can post to the forum
> alright I just can’t surf the web. I think i might try 12.1 and see if
> that gives me better luck.

You need to resolve the root password problem. However it is possible to
execute the utilities given you by Swerdna without becoming root. You just
need to specify the full path. Open a terminal window, as explained by
Swerdna and enter:

/usr/sbin/hwinfo --network

It would also be helpful to see the results of:

cat /etc/resolv.conf
/sbin/route -n

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green