How to I see if an IP camera is connected to my network?

How can I verify if an IP camera is connected to my network?

I am trying to set up a Amcrest ASH21-B on my computer to use as a webcam using the help at .

One of the first steps is to use the Amcrest app on my phone to set up the camera and get it’s IP address.
Following those instructions I have it connected to my computer with an Ethernet cable.
According to their set up the device should be sending a signal via the WiFi.
I am not sure if it is connecting to the network or wi-fi and I cannot complete the set up.

As a first step, can anyone help me verify it is communicating on the network?

What additional information do you need?

thanks, idee

A good place to look would be your router. Most of them show connected devices and their IPs

Thank you.

One thing I didn’t mention is that it is plugged into via the Ethernet into the back of my computer.
My computer is connected to the network.
Should that work? If not what do I need to change?


Just log into the IP camera via a web browser, if it needs a port likely 8080 so login is probably admin/admin unless the docs say otherwise.

Or you can use nmap to see what ports are open…

Likely need to find the rstp stream, likely rstp:// for the main stream 102 or 201 for the sub stream.

how do I find it’s ip address?

Unless you have a DHCP server running on your computer, better connect it to your router, Just plugging in the eth cable in your computer won’t work.

the router is in the basement, but my office on the main floor. Is it difficult to set up the DHCP server?

Does it say in the documentation if it has a fixed IP address, or requires dhcp?

morning, and thanks for the help. I was able to get the camera set up using the android app that controls it. It is now directly connected to the router (via a 5 point hub), so is a live device on the network now. It is working great through the app, and is showing as an active device on the 5-port connected to the router. So now going back to your help in finding the device

Just log into the IP camera via a web browser, if it needs a port likely 8080 so login is probably admin/admin unless the docs say otherwise.

Or you can use nmap to see what ports are open…

Likely need to find the rstp stream, likely rstp:// for the main stream 102 or 201 for the sub stream.

using Firefox 72.0.2 - result was: 404 not found - result was: Unable to connect - result was: Unable to connect
rstp:// - result was: The address wasn’t understood


Your meant to fill in the blanks… :wink:
Until you can confirm the ip address (it should set a default one?) not a lot you can do… can you log into your router and see the DHCP ip addresses allocated, the camera should have a MAC address on it so you should be able to see on your router DHCP page.

LOL, the blanks were filled in. I x’ed them to not show the full ip address is all. Same with the device name and password. No problem :slight_smile:

I do have all of the camera settings, mac, IP, etc.

It is showing on the router DHCP as an active Ethernet connection, IPC

Then I would run nmap against the ip address to see what ports are open… that should give you the web interface…

su -
nmap -p- <ip_address>

in terminal replied: bash: nmap: command not found

You need to install then :wink:

cnf nmap
zypper in nmap

Over time, from various mistakes I have learned it is best to wait for a response from those helping me than rushing in and screwing things up. Thanks for the help.

nmap is now installed

dad-Cinnamon:/home/dad # nmap -p-
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2020-04-22 10:51 CDT
Nmap scan report for IPC.lan (
Host is up (0.00041s latency).
Not shown: 65531 closed ports
80/tcp    open  http
554/tcp   open  rtsp
8086/tcp  open  d-s-n
37777/tcp open  unknown
MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Amcrest Technologies)

note: x’ed out mac and ip

So should get a login screen if you http://<ip_address> since port 80 is open. The rtsp port will be 554 from that output (for the likes of your camera app);

Once you get the web page up should be able to login and configure as required.

http 404 error with the ip:80 and also with the name,pw@ip:80

tried rstp and it opened VLC. Asked for the password. Got an error due to an @ in the password.

I will change that and try again. That could be the problem with the http as well.

  Connection failed:
 VLC could not connect to "".

 Your input can't be opened:
 VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://'. Check the log for details.

Can you try

still 404 w :37777

I have changed the password multiple times, but still no success.

Can you try;
