how to get downloaded packages from repositories ?


I have a pc (A) connected to internet and another one with no connection (B).
Both of them with opensuse11.0, and I would like to update both machine.

I came with a solution:
1/- Update (A) /install new packages from the repositories .
2/- Burn all the downloaded RPMs packages on a DVD/CD
3/- Bring the burned DVD to (B) and use Yast to add this DVD as repository and then apply the same changes as (A)

My problem is with the step 2/. How to ???:confused:

Any help will be appreciate.

On 07/02/2008 hotus wrote:
> My problem is with the step 2/. How to ???:confused:

What exactly? “Burning downloaded files” sounds rather trivial to me.
What is the reason to not temporarily connect the other machine to the internet?


why not try a proxy

cuz’ they are not on the same physical location, and internet is not reachable from (B)'s location.

Anyway, I know how to burn things, it’s not the deal. I made the comparison with “apt” where you can find all the “debs” packages retrieved at “/var/cache/apt/archive/…”. Want to know if there is a similar location on openSuse where someone can have all the “RPMs” and can copy them somewhere else.

Am i clear now?

  • hotus,

AFAIK the RPMs are only cached until they are successfully installed.

Easiest way is probably downloading the update RPMs from a mirror and brun them, better yet use a USB disk or some such.


So, how to deal with dependencies ???

My Bad, just saw this: /var/cache/zyyp/packages
problem solved ! (i hope :expressionless: )

On 07/02/2008 hotus wrote:
> My Bad, just saw this: /var/cache/zyyp/packages problem solved ! (i
> hope :expressionless: )

Should be empty :slight_smile:


You could create a local repository in a folder (Or USB stick as sugested) Add a repository in Yast and select Local Folder (Or something like that. Can’t check now. At work and using Winblows :)) Yast will check dependencies and you will just have to make sure you meet them. I have this when I want to install 3rd party RPMs. find it works better than downloading them and opening them with Yast.

Hope this helps a little.

P.s. why do you have a pc that is not online? :rolleyes: I would not survive :smiley:

> cuz’ they are not on the same physical location, and internet is not
> reachable from (B)'s location.

if it is not connected to the net there is no security concern, right?
so, what is to upgrade?

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark