How to find post number and quote thread snippet?

How to easily tell which post number is to be quoted in a response in a very long thread? Can you see the post number somewhere without manually counting through all the posts somehow?

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Ok, very good I understand now.

Just select the text you want to quote and paste it in as a quote.

When you highlight text in a post you want to quote, it’ll show you a toolbar:


Then click “Quote” in the toolbar, and it’ll paste. You don’t need to know anything about the post number to do that. The pasted quote will include the proper information:

[quote="panorain, post:1, topic:179087"]
o easily tell which post number is to
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Ok thank you for your help. Can you please change the title of this post to: How to find post number and quote thread snippet?

You bet. Changed. :slight_smile:

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