How to downgrade LO in TW?


LO6 is already out in TW, that’s a little too bleeding edge for my production system.
How can I downgrade to LO 5.4.4?

Can I somehow use these repositories?


Unless you branch and build against Tumbleweed or ask the maintainers of the above repo to add Tumbleweed as a build target…

That’s the nature/feature of Tumbleweed and rolling along with the latest and the greatest…

You can install any upstream version available from

Ist das “safe”, das RPM Paket einfach von der HP zu installieren?
Muss ich dazu vorher LO6 entfernen (und das pattern als locked deklarieren)?

Was mich halt wundert, LO6 ist doch erst RC2, wieso wir das dann schon übernommen? Nicht mal in Arch ist es bereits drin.

it should be safe as the LibreOffice provides static builds
you could also ping one of the maintainers of the libreoffice 5.4 repo and ask for a TW build (they currently have LEAP 42.2 and 42.3 builds only)
you could branch it and build a TW version your self I just don’t know how OBS works that’s way over my head

actually you could try opening a bug report about the unavailability of LO 5.4 and the fact that 6.0 is an RC for TW and see what the developers say