How to disable cnd repo in leap15.6

I added the “aliyun” mirror repos in leap15.6 and delete all the defaults ones. but after i refresh the repo, all the cdn repos appeared again . I donn’t know how to disable them. these cnd repos have a low connection speed in china mainldand.
Could you pleaes help me ou.

Some repos come from openSUSE-repos-Leap-NVIDIA and openSUSE-repos-Leap, but they aren’t needed by those who would rather manage their repos manually, and can result in duplication.

In other words: remove those two packages and you and all will be well.

You will have to delete the CDN service. Or else the repos will re-appear.

You can delete it from Yast - On Line repositories. Klik in View - Services on the top-right of the window.
You will then see the service and you can delete it.


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When you uninstall the packages and restart your machine, the services are gone…

# ls /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo | wc -l
# grep cdn /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo
# zypper in openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed
The following NEW package is going to be installed:
(1/1) Installing: openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed-20240712.dd8c2eb-2.1.x86_64 ...............................................................................................................[done]
%posttrans(openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed-20240712.dd8c2eb-2.1.x86_64) script output:
Adding service 'openSUSE'...
Service 'openSUSE' has been successfully added.
URI         : dir:/usr/share/zypp/local/service/openSUSE
Enabled     : Yes
Autorefresh : Yes
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
All services have been refreshed.
Running post-transaction scripts ......................................................................................................................................................[done]
# ls /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo | wc -l
# grep cdn /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo
# zypper rm openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed
The following package is going to be REMOVED:

1 package to remove.
Backend:  classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:repo-non-oss'
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:repo-oss-debug'
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:repo-oss-source'
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:update-tumbleweed'
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:repo-oss'
Warning: Unknown service 'openSUSE': Removing orphaned service repository 'openSUSE:repo-openh264'
Service 'openSUSE' not found by alias, number or URI.
(1/1) Removing: openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed-20240712.dd8c2eb-2.1.x86_64 
# ls /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo | wc -l
# grep cdn /etc/zypp/repos.d/*repo

It works the same way in Leap. If openSUSE-repos-* package(s) is/are not installed, the repos service does not exist.

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