How to determine 8 bit or 10 bit color depth wayland plasma?

Not sure when this occurred but I just happened to notice on tumbleweed that my AMD 7800xt hdmi connection is allowed in “display settings” to hit 120hz at my 4k resolution now… Just wondering if anyone knows in wayland how to determine color depth per channel -ah, I think I just found that below- I suspect I’m not magically on hdmi 2.1 with an AMD gpu but anyone know offhand how to determine this in plasma6 /wayland and go with more color depth if I decide I don’t need 120hz?

This output here is probably just a tease but shows 12…

myhostname:/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0000:03:00.0/HDMI-A-1 # ls
edid_override  force_yuv420_output   internal_display      output_bpc       vrr_range
force          hdcp_sink_capability  odm_combine_segments  trigger_hotplug
myhostname:/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0000:03:00.0/HDMI-A-1 # cat output_bpc 
Maximum: 12

Then this which I think (it is named “current”) is the current:

cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0000\:03\:00.0/crtc-0/amdgpu_current_colorspace


cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0000\:03\:00.0/crtc-0/amdgpu_current_bpc
Current: 8

Not ready yet.