how to configure NFS

hi frnd…
i am mew to linux and wanna knw hw to configure NFS.

monga rohit wrote:
> i am mew to linux and wanna knw hw to configure NFS.

Start by googling “opensuse nfs” and find this:

Kind regards,
Andreas Stieger

That link is now out of date, and there is nothing in the new wiki for NFS.

So I copied the old wiki content to the new. I have no idea if it is still relevant.

Basically it’s simple:

On the server:
Yast - Software - Software management - install yast2-nfs-server

Yast - Networkservices - NFS server. Set NFS server to start, open port in firewall if applicable. Enter the folders (example: /datashare ) you want to export on the network, first leave defaults

On the clients:
Yast - Networkservices - NFS client. Click Add, enter IP address of the NFS server, browse for the exported folders, select /datashare , enter a folder where you want to find the content of /datashare, click OK, OK.

That’s it. If you want to export /home from a server too, I’d suggest to use NIS as well. That way you’d only have to manage users and backups in one place ::slight_smile:

Don’t forget to allow the NFS services - server and/or client, depending on the machine role - in Yast’s firewall configuration module.

On 2012-03-30 22:36, leoplaw wrote:
> AndreasStieger;1963656 Wrote:
>> Start by googling “opensuse nfs” and find this:
> That link is now out of date, and there is nothing in the new wiki for
> NFS.
> So I copied the old wiki content to the new. I have no idea if it is
> still relevant.

Perhaps the place to mention this is the wiki forum.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)