How to choose a dell laptop

i want to buy a dell laptop for study, but i just have $300, how to choose my laptop? someone can give me a suggestion?

johnsunvalley wrote:

> i want to buy a dell laptop for study, but i just have $300, how to
> choose my laptop? someone can give me a suggestion?

IMO, download and burn the Live CD, then you can hit the Office Max/Depot,
Sam’s Club, Costco, Wallyworld, etc., and use the Live CD to test what does
and does not work on any given make/model.

My $.02.

Menes Narmer
menesofmemphis [at] gmail [dot] com

“Unity and humility is the lesson all of history teaches.”

If you plan on using it with a liGNUx distro, then you’d better check its hardware specs: from the video card to the ethernet card and to the modem, try to stick with known vendors. In liGNUX, any non-mainstream hw is bound to give you headaches. After you check its hw specs, compare those to the liGNUx Hardware Compatibility list to make absolutely sure you won’t have to bang your head against the wall afterwards… Specifically, Intel graphics and winmodems (“software modems”) are a no-no.
IMHO, you should look at this from another side, too: by firmly insisting on liGNUx-certified hardware, we are sending a message to the vendors, so in five to ten years time, when we’ll be shopping around for our next laptops, hopefully liGNUx incompatibility won’t be such an issue anymore.:wink:

I’m also looking for a laptop … you will find my deliberations here:
Planning for new laptop - openSUSE Forums

Note I tend to be over conservative, so its quite possibly many of my concerns will not apply to you. But pay attention to the areas that could cause incompatibility with openSUSE. Typically one see’s this with:
a. graphic card,
b. wireless card.
If you have a favourite Dell, do a search on the web to see if other users have had compatibility problems with this laptop.

Please read our stickie here: WELCOME to LAPTOP thead area - openSUSE Forums