How to change to local time zone display

I install 12.1 64 SUSE. The time zone I select is correct, but it displays at the right bottom corner is UTC time. It is a little annoying. How to change that back to local time ? Thanks.

Am 26.11.2011 20:16, schrieb freerjw:
> Hi,
> I install 12.1 64 SUSE. The time zone I select is correct, but it
> displays at the right bottom corner is UTC time. It is a little
> annoying. How to change that back to local time ? Thanks.
Is that KDE? If yes did you try the following, move with the mouse over
the clock and scroll with the mouse wheeel.

PC: oS 11.4 (dual boot 12.1) 64 bit | Intel Core i7-2600@3.40GHz | KDE
4.6.0 | GeForce GT 420 | 16GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.7.3 |
nVidia ION | 3GB Ram

Assuming KDE:

Right click on the clock at the right. Select “Digital Clock Settings”.

In the settings window, select “Time Zones”.

At the bottom of the Time Zones window, there’s a “Clock Defaults to” choice. For me that gives a choice of “local” or “UTC”, and is currently set to “local”. Above that, there’s a long list of timezones. Currently, I see UTC checked there. The effect is that UTC, in addition to local time, shows when the mouse is over the clock. If I uncheck “UTC”, then only the local time shows.

I hope that helps.

Great. It is that simple. Thanks.

slightly related I can’t seem to figure out how to switch the time displayed to 12hr with AM/PM also running 12.1 with KDE

The only setting I can find is in the Locale settings
“Personal Settings” –> “Locale” –> “Country/Region & Language”
and select the “Date & Time” tab.

I tried changing that, with no effect. But possibly I have to logout and login for it to take effect.

My time is showing with AM/PM, so I changed to 24 hour to see what happens. I’ll logout and login again later today, and see what happens. At least it is worth a try.

Thanks that worked perfectly… I guess I’m having a hard time finding things I’m a recent switch from Ubuntu to openSUSE thanks mostly to Linux Users & Developers Magazine… this is also my first time using KDE and right now I’m in the “WAAAAAAAAAAAH it’s different from what I’m used to” phase… Thanks again I feel silly at how easy that was, I just couldn’t locate it…

Yes, it worked for me when I logged out and logged back in. But I then switched back.

I switched from gnome to KDE about 18 months ago. Yes, it’s different. But, once you become familiar with it, you will probably find that it is laid out very consistently, so it becomes a very congenial environment.