How to change default email program?

I use KDE but use Thunderbird for email and Firefox for web. Both are working fine. However, when I click a mailto link in Firefox, the KDE mail ap starts up and I’d like it to go to TBird.

I look in Firefox preferences, and under Applications > mailto, KDE is the listed application, but when I click “other” TBird is not listed in the “known applications” and I can’t figure out how to select it. Why isn’t it “known”? Tbird is properly installed and running fine.

Sorry if this is a dumb newbie question.

George in Canada


KDE’s “Configure Desktop”: Under “Personal” you’ll find “Default Applications”.


From the application launcher select System Settings then within the general tab select default applications. Within there you can choose your default email app instead of the default kmail.

Hopefully this will achieve what you want.

Uwe: Excellent - done. Thank you.

If you don’t mind another question:

In the application selector, Thunderbird does not appear, yet I typed “thunderbird” in the box, closed the dialog and tested and the Thuderbird compose email window comes up.

Can you tell me please why Thunderbird does not appear as a selection in the “known applications” selector? Is there something else I need to do to make non-KDE programs appear?

for ooglie: maybe it’s because I’m a newbie and the terminology confuses me, but when you say “from the application launcher select System Settings” I don’t have a “System Settings” on my application launcher (KDE) nor does search turn up one. Is this the real name? I used “Configure Desktop”.

  • georgeinacton wrote, On 01/06/2010 01:16 PM:
    > Can you tell me please why Thunderbird does not appear as a selection
    > in the “known applications” selector? Is there something else I need to
    > do to make non-KDE programs appear?

It is a KDE configuration program, so I guess they include KDE apps and maybe a few more widely used apps.
Especially for mail clients, the sheer number would make it impossible to include them all.


Ok, thank you