How to add Windows AD group SUDO rights OS 11.2

I have joined the domain (server 2003) and can log in consistently now.
Now I would like to give all the windows users in on specific group (domain power users) SUDO rights on the machines in question.
I have found one way to add users on a pr. user basis, but adding 30 users will take some time.

Anyone have an idea?

Sounds of silence…

rune hagen wrote:
> Sounds of silence…

funny isn’t it?
i would have thought you had already done each individually by now…

note: i have no idea how to give any local net Redmond’s user rights
on my linux machine…and, if i did i certainly wouldn’t actually ever
do that (understanding how much even the most advanced locked-in
“power user” understands about *nix)…


My theory is that you should “net groupmap add” Windows Domain group to unix group and then permit unix group in sudoers file.

man net
net groupmap add/list

I used likewise open
Likewise Software: Join Linux, Unix and Mac to Active Directory

I was then able to add
“%AD\Domain\ Users” under

User privilege specification

in sudoers

Here is what I used to give ‘Domain Users’ sudo access to mount/umount
AD=your domain name

Under ‘# Cmnd alias specification’ add the line
Cmnd_Alias MOUNT =/bin/mount, /bin/umount, /sbin/mount.cifs, /sbin/umount.cifs

Under ‘# User privilege specification’ add the line

More detailed info can be found here
Likewise Open Installation and Administration Guide