Hello to you all after many botched attempts I have found the solution.So I will save some of you much trouble by giving this how to.Now I used a usb cd/dvd but no matter if you net install.First we are going to prep your hard drive so start you windows XP go to control panel then admin system then manage system on the left you will fined drive management click on this select acer partition then top menu act select new partition I used 30 GB fat 32 partition dont use fast format run the format when it has finished set up your install opensuse11.1 when you get to the partition part of the install go into advanced partition.you will fined there a 30 GB fat 32 partition delete then add select 30 GB extended partition accept you should end up with a 30 GB partition extended fat partition next add swap 2.01 GB then add root or / 20 GB ext3 next partition will be home or /home in pull down menu ext3 that will be 8.16 GB then run the install.Using the fat format will save you much time and trouble and you KDE 4.1 will run very well with out always having a plasma crash please try this extended fat install