how remove the "task manager" widget

I have 4 “task manager” widgtes and I want to remove 2 of them so that I’ll have only 2 (I’m using 2 monitors).
How can I do that?

I tried:
right click on the bottom panel - Panel Options - Add Widgets
and I can see the “task manager icon” with the number 4 in the top left corner.

If I click on the icon I add a new task manager widget, but there isn’t a bottom to remove the widget.

Right Click on desktop - Unlock Widgets

Left Click on Panel Menu (Hamburger icon) to open “Configure Panel”

Mouseover TaskManager you wish to remove - Remove by clicking on the red cross icon.

Instead of “Add Widgets” click on “Panel Options”, “Configure Panel”. Now when you hover over a widget you’ll get the choice to remove.

edit: Darnit! Beaten by tannington by a few seconds.

Hello and welcome to the openSUSE forums.

While we “force” you to mention which version of openSUSE you use (you choose for LEAP15.1), that action is also meant to encourage you to mention other details about what you are using. Your description is clear about using a desktop environment. But which one (Gnome, KDE, …, …)?

I see that some peopl are already giving advice on the assumption that they know what you use. But it is only an assumption??

Indeed… From the OP’s description it seems KDE… but of course, it may not be. One shouldn’t really assume in the manner in which i did :\ …


Thank you!


It’s KDE.