How open port

Hi all,

I’m trying to open the 3299 port for tcp and udp.
I had change the /etc/sysconf/SuSEfirewall2 adding

but I can not test with telnet <MyIP> 3299.
telnet: connect to address <MYIP>: Connection refused

I had open this por in my router but nothing.

Do you have any idea what i’m doing wrong?



You have to have some service running that’s listening on port 3299 for connections.
Otherwise there’s no sense in opening the port anyway.

So start the service you want to have on that port and try again to connect.

And: have you restarted the firewall?

systemctl restart SuSEFirewall2.service

I think if the rules were added through YaST it would have automatically restarted the service. Then again i might be wrong.

wolfi323 thanks for your reply.
I want to use the saprouter service for the port 3299.
but I can not use it because i could open the port.

what can i do to put the port listening?

I had restarted the SuSEfirewall with the command /etc/init.d/SuSEfirewall2 restart, I even restart my pc and your command with systemctl.

Yes, and that you get ‘Connection Refused’ shows that the firewall setting
has changed properly… no need to restart again. If you had not changed
the firewall you’d get nothing back at all since the ICMP packet
indicating the packet was rejected would not even be sent back (by default).

So you’re already done. If you want to a test service to listen for stuff
now, give that a shot with netcat (which you should use in place of
telnet, by the way):


netcat -l -p 3299

From a client machine connect to that service:


netcat -zv 3299

The connection should indicate ‘open’ on the client side and the server
side will close when the connection is completed.

Good luck.

You first have to have the saprouter service running, only then can you connect to the port. Even without a firewall.

So you have to start the saprouter service on your machine, than you can connect to port 3299. If you have it running on another machine, you have to open the port in the firewall on that machine.

Yes, that’s right.

First prove that you have something running that listens to that port:

netstat -tuln | grep ':3299'

Oh and, if you think the SUSEfirewall is giving you problems, then just turn it off!

systemctl stop SuSEfirewall2.service


/etc/init.d/SuSEfirewall2 stop

or in YaST->Users and Security->Firewall.

On Wed, 22 May 2013 14:46:02 +0000, p446611 wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m trying to open the 3299 port for tcp and udp.
> I had change the /etc/sysconf/SuSEfirewall2 adding
> but I can not test with telnet <MyIP> 3299.
> telnet: connect to address <MYIP>: Connection refused
> I had open this por in my router but nothing.
> Do you have any idea what i’m doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Leonor

Rather than editing the sysconf file directly, try using YaST to make the


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
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I really needed to put the saprouter started. The port was open but nothing listen from her.
Thanks for your help.


Yes, thats your problem. But I think you have some misconceptions here.
I don’t know anything about saprouter, but the first google result makes me believe that it should run on the router not on your computer. So no sense in opening the port on your system, you have to open it on your router (and configure that to run the service).

Maybe you should try to explain in details what you are trying to achieve…