How I setup file transfer nework (Win&OS)?

I have 2 computers and I want to create a wirelesses network in my OpenSuse 12.1 & Windows 7
to transfer files from one to another, like share folder or something like that:sarcastic:.
How do I do that?

So can I assume you have two computers that are both able to connect using wireless to the internet over a single router at your home or business and you want to transfer files between the two PC’s as well? Have you looked at setting up Samba on your Linux computer by chance? Here is a blog I have on the subject here:

Samba S.W.A.T. - Samba Web Administration Tool Setup for openSUSE - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

Samba with windows as the client (driving) system and smbclient with opensuse as the client (driving) system. FTP is a possibility if you are not too worried about security. SFTP is better but I think you will need to find an sftp server for windows. I believe that there is a free non commercial use option for WinSSHD

OK did the guide but I don’t understand how I start to share files?

I figured how to add path for viewing it on Windows but I don’t know how to add Windows shared folder.
I googled it and find

smbmount \\MYWINBOX\MYSHARE /mnt/winstuff

but there is no “smbmount” command.
How I create/find place of Windows share folder?

You don’t have to mount a share to view it. In openSUSE, you can open a file manager and enter this to see the computers: smb://workgroup/

In Dolphin, I can go View / Location Bar / Check Editable Location and enter the smb name for your workgroup, It will display the computers by name in your workgroup where you can browse all of the shared folders on each computer. You may have read through my guide, but you did not follow some of the most important parts.

Thank You,

duplicate post

I don’t know how experienced you are with windows 7 but in order to share a file over the network you need to right click the folder, go to properties, sharing tab, click Advanced sharing, check the “share this folder” box, click permissions and add the users and give those users the permissions you want them to have. After that, you need to select the Security tab in the properties of that folder and do pretty much the same thing by clicking edit, and adding the users you want to have authorization and their permissions.

For Linux the first thing you need to do is to make sure that samba is running.
Open a terminal, log in as root by issuing the su command and entering the password for root. Now type, chkconfig smb
If you see a return that smb off, then samba is not running. You will need to start it up. Type the following:

chkconfig --level 35 smb on
chkconfig --level 35 nmb on
chkconfig cifs on

The three commands above turn on smb, and nmb and they will start in run levels 3 and 5.
The cifs service allows you to use the file cifstab located in /etc/samba to add shared mounts from windows to show up in a directory you create. An example would be for you to create a folder in your home directory called share.
When you edit the cifstab file, you will type something similar to this adding in your info:
//windows/share /home/user/share cifs username=yourusername,password=yourpassword

That line tells samba to mount the windows share to your share folder you created and to use the allowed user account and password that you specified on the windows share you created.

You’re still not done. There is more than one way to do this stuff so bare with me.
At this point you should probably open up Yast. You can find that by going to the suse orb (menu) navigate to computer and Yast should be at the top. Once in Yast, select Network Services, click Windows Domain Membership.
At this point I will direct you to this link which has a nice tutorial with screen shots to walk you through this part. How To Network openSUSE 12.1 And Windows » TweakHound

Some additional things you can do from a terminal to check that your Linux system can see shares from your Windows system. In a Linux terminal type: smbclient -L \windowsmachine
You may be asked for a password.
After which, if your Linux machine is setup properly it will display a list of shares from your Windows system.

I did not mention some things such as adding a samba user and maybe a few other details but if after you have done all of the above steps you run into issues, post them here and I will address them.

I was looking over what I had posted and realized I made a mistake but I cannot edit my post now.
The part about chkconfig; It should be two dashes instead of one. So, chkconfig --level 35 smb on for instance.

You can also turn these services on or off using Yast, System, System Services (Runlevel). You will need to select expert mode to choose the run levels for the services to start on. Feel free to correct me on any mistakes, I make plenty.

Look again, your dashes are there.

Thank You,

On 2011-12-22 23:56, aldistuck wrote:
> I was looking over what I had posted and realized I made a mistake but I
> cannot edit my post now.
> The part about chkconfig; It should be two dashes instead of one. So,
> chkconfig --level 35 smb on for instance.

You don’t need to specify the levels, use the default:

chkconfig smb on

Plus, in 12.1 that might not work.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

I’m working off of OpenSUSE 12.1 right now. I could not remember for sure if I had used chkconfig to turn on those services. It is normally how I do things but I thought I should verify it.
I opened a terminal and typed chkconfig --list to see my services. smb was among them and was listed with run level 3 and 5 highlighted. I typed chkconfig --level 35 smb off and then ran the --list again. The smb service was now off and run level 3 and 5 were no longer highlighted. I ran chkconfig --level 35 smb on to turn the smb service back on again and checked one last time to see that the smb service was on and run level 3 and 5 were highlighted again.

I can now confirm that chkconfig works in OpenSUSE 12.1.