how do I start "Yast" ???

To start Yast before, I used to click on the Computer icon at the lower left corner of my screen on openSuse 11. Now, it’s gone.

How do I start “Yast”? Also, anyone knows how to put back that Computer icon? Thanks.

I forgot to mention that I use GNOME.

Right click on your panel on the bottom of the screen. Select “Add to Panel”. Highlight the “Main Menu” and then press the “Add” button. Now you can move the icon to the lower left by right clicking it and selecting move. Sometimes the Main Menu icon fails to load and if this has happened you could find that it loads the next time you log in. In that event, delete the one you created.

To start yast you can open a terminal type “su” to get root access. Enter your password and then type “yast2”.