How do I add a working .desktop file to the KDE Launcher?

So I wanted a backup browser just in case Firefox goes bad, but all of the ones I could find out about are only hosted on home repositories, which I am not enthusiastic about touching.

Now, I did manage to make a working .desktop file which, when used, opens the backup browser.

How do I get it into the KDE launcher?

You don’t need a desktop file for it. Right click on the application launcher icon → edit application
There you can simply add/create a new menu entry which points to the executable of your backup browser.

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If you can manage to get a valid .desktop file added to /usr/local/share/applications, every DE for every user should pick it up automatically.

What about ~/.local/share/applications/? Or is that KDE/opensuse specific?

(asking because it has the advantage of not requiring root permission)

Why ask? Either it works or not if you try it.

I don’t let root permissions get in the way of adding functionality globally when it makes sense to do so.

Why ask? To learn something :slight_smile:

I know that adding a .desktop file to that path works (for the given user, of course). I was just wondering if it’s specific to the DE/distro, or if it’d work on pretty much any distro and DE.

If you don’t know, a simple “I don’t know” would’ve been OK. I don’t know neither

Thomas Edison learned a lot, and invented a lot, by trying, instead of asking. :nerd_face:

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The damage you can cause when you’re forced offline by your parents.

For those who need to do this in the future, put the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications. That will do the trick.

It’s like. " if you don’t break things first, you won’t learn anything". :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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