How can I use Wifi without the KDE wallet ?

Hi there,

it seems so as if there is no way to use Wifi with the Network Manager running and KDE Wallet switched off.
Or is there a list of parameters that would allow the connection manager to remember the password that one has entered ? Even if one enters the PW in edit mode in the connection manager and clicks on the OK button and one opens it again - it´s gone.I hope that this is not considered as a security feature …

I am now forced to write all Wifi passwords on a paper (better never loose it …) or write them in a file on the desktop (not really a security feature, right ?)

After the last update I had to switch off KDE wallet, as it got severely disimproved - I could, for whatever reason - no longer access any Wifi networks. The system always showed a messagebox talking about a “secret bla bla not given”. I assumed , after several trials, that this very clearly formulated message could mean that wallet is not giving the right PW´s to the network manager. Stupid me, that I did not immediately understood this message.

Well switching the Wallet thing off, helped to reconnect, but now I have to enter each time the network specific Wifi PW as Network manager suffers from a heavy form of PW-Alzheimer …

Oh yes, to answer before questioned: yes it was a new standard installation - I use Leap 42.1 only to run the Virtual Box with my work OS´s and try to avoid to install any other software on 42.1 if possible (exception drivers etc.)

Other victims around ? Someone found a solution ?

Uh yes, before I forget it: The KDE UI update procedure since 2 days considers the network as being offline, as I my way switching it on, does not get any attention from it. Guess have to use a wired connection to update again. Yast Online Update works though - just tried it.



after the update with Yast / Online Update KDE Wallet seems to work again. But I had to enter the PW for my home network again - it has lost it. That means I have to collect all the Wifi PW´s from my clients again - burns some of my time. The wifi entries still do exist, but the PW´s are gone. Guess it was an update without taking care about existing PW entries from the former version.

But with KDE wallet switched off, I still have that problem that I have to enter each time the PW´s. That was working in OS13.1 and 13.2 …


Wallet if you don’t want it bothering you just set a blank password. It will stop nagging then

This is from memory, as I’m currently not using NetworkManager.

Right click on the NetworkManager icon in the tray. Select “Edit connections” (or similar).

Select the wifi connection you are using, and click “Edit”.

Go to the security settings, where you should be able to enter the network key.

On the right end of the place to enter the key, there are two icons. They might be on top of one another. If you cannot see them as separate icons, the maximize the edit window – or, unmaximize it if it is already maximized. The change is size should make the two icons appear separately.

One of those sets the visibility of the key. The other one sets where the key is stored. It’s that second icon that you need to click. One of the choices is to save the key in a file unencrypted. That’s the one that you should select. (It might sound scary, but normally only root of the person defining the connection can read it). Save the changes. After that, WiFi should work without KDE wallet.

Wow, that solved the problem - there are indeed 2 icons !!
Maximizing the window and CTRL + allows them to appear both in a row.

Thanks a lot ! This solved my problem !

But this is really an UI issue that should be solved in KDE. I never ever would have expected what appears as one unidentifiable icon is actually made of two icons one on top of the other.


thanks for your answer, I did this in the past. I ran into the problem because Wallet did not work any longer as it should do.

I think it has been fixed, but not in 42.1. It’s working properly in Tumbleweed (or was, when I last checked). I’m expecting it to be fine in 42.2 when that is released. I haven’t installed 42.2 Beta on my laptop, so I can’t easily check.