Hotswapping - OpenSuSe 12.1

Hello all,

I’m building a new server and my intention is using mirror RAID for both the OS and the Data Storage drives. Also installed into the server is a secondary RAID card, which I intend on having at least two drives, same size as the data storage drives, for nightly/weekly backups, with several other drives to rotate into the server.

Ideally, I would prefer to hotswap the drives, to save me from needing to power down the server to swap the back-up drives constantly.

In my searching, I have discovered that Ubuntu appears to have a program for hotswap management. I have yet to find something similar on OpenSuSe. I will not use Ubuntu, I am unfamiliar with the layout as well as Debian and prefer to stick with SuSe that I have been using for about 10 years on servers.

Are there any tools, programs available on/for OpenSuSe that my Internet Searches may have failed to locate? Thanks for any assistance.

looks like proxytoys will work.

proxytoys-javadoc-1.0-1.jpp6.noarch.rpm Fedora & CentOS & RHEL & openSUSE & Mandriva Free Download

No, it doesn’t. That particular package has nothing to do with hotswapping RAID hard drives, it has to do with hotswapping of some java proxy implementation.

radkinsII wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’m building a new server and my intention is using mirror RAID for
> both the OS and the Data Storage drives. Also installed into the server
> is a secondary RAID card, which I intend on having at least two drives,
> same size as the data storage drives, for nightly/weekly backups, with
> several other drives to rotate into the server.
> Ideally, I would prefer to hotswap the drives, to save me from needing
> to power down the server to swap the back-up drives constantly.
> In my searching, I have discovered that Ubuntu appears to have a
> program for hotswap management. I have yet to find something similar on
> OpenSuSe. I will not use Ubuntu, I am unfamiliar with the layout as well
> as Debian and prefer to stick with SuSe that I have been using for about
> 10 years on servers.
> Are there any tools, programs available on/for OpenSuSe that my
> Internet Searches may have failed to locate? Thanks for any assistance.

OK, that is a very unhelpful question.

“Also installed into the server is a secondary RAID card”

Since it is vital to the configuration you want, you didn’t think it was
worth telling us the model number? Or any other details of your hardware?

“I have discovered that Ubuntu appears to have a program for hotswap

But you didn’t think it was worth telling us the name of this program,
or a link to the Ubuntu documentation or somesuch?

It isn’t clear what you expect these tools or programs to do.

A little more? Ok. I am looking for a tool that I can “right click” on the drive and have an “eject” option on a Hot Swap capable drive, have the drive unmount, power down and allow me to pull it. Then, when I put in a drive, a button or command to type to have the new drive be discovered, become mounted and be usable.

This is a software question, not a hardware question. The hardware is functionally irrelevant to the discussion, beyond that it does support Hot Swapping.

The Ubuntu tool is called “Hotswap”.

Thank you for your input.

Am 27.06.2012 15:56, schrieb radkinsII:
> This is a software question, not a hardware question. The hardware is
> functionally irrelevant to the discussion, beyond that it does support
> Hot Swapping.
When I read the description
(this is what the ubuntu package is based on) it is hardware related as
it does refer to IDE drives on Dell Laptops and not to RAID.

PC: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i7-2600@3.40GHz | 16GB | KDE 4.8.4 | GeForce GT 420
ThinkPad E320: oS 12.1 x86_64 | i3@2.30GHz | 8GB | KDE 4.8.4 | HD 3000
eCAFE 800: oS 12.1 i586 | AMD Geode LX 800@500MHz | 512MB | KDE 3.5.10

radkinsII wrote:
> This is a software question, not a hardware question. The hardware is
> functionally irrelevant to the discussion, beyond that it does support
> Hot Swapping.

You clearly don’t have much experience in this area. Hotswapping is
often managed entirely by the RAID card. Agreed it does involve their
firmware and application.

> The Ubuntu tool is called “Hotswap”.

Wow! You’re still using IDE drives? And Motif for the GUI - how quaint.

> Thank you for your input.

No problem. Enjoy finding what you want.

Thanks for that information. The searches I ran, never revealed more than the very limited information on the Ubuntu page, which didn’t mention IDE drives.

Google-Fu fail.

radkinsII wrote:
> martin_helm;2471596 Wrote:
>> When I read the description ‘Debian – Details of package hotswap in
>> sid’ (
>> (this is what the ubuntu package is based on) it is hardware related as
>> it does refer to IDE drives on Dell Laptops and not to RAID.
> Thanks for that information. The searches I ran, never revealed more
> than the very limited information on the Ubuntu page, which didn’t
> mention IDE drives.
> Google-Fu fail.

or just blindness

hotswap - register and unregister hotswappable IDE hardware”

"Package hotswap

  • hardy (admin): (de)register hotswappable IDE hardware"