HIDPoint - Logitech Support - libpng.so.3

Hi All!

I have some difficulties to install HIDPoint on my 64 bit Suse 11.1
This should enable my extra multimedia keys on my Logitech Wave keyboard. Suse 11.1 is listed at the supported repos!!

My issue is even listed in their FAQ:

When i try to install i get an error saying “error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3”?

To run HIDPoint on 64 bit machine, you first need to install 32bit libraries. In Ubuntu you can install the 32 bit libraries using the following command.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs.To know more about how to install 32bit libraries check out the demo Installing 32bit libraries on 64 bit OS

There even a shot video above how to install the packages but the solution is for Ubuntu and I dont know what to install extra. I found on other forums that installing the libpng3 might could help. I installed every libpng packages I found.

The other hint was to make a symbolic link from /usr/lib/libpng.so.3 to /usr/lib64/libpng.so.3

Issue is the same.

Any idea how could I make the extra keys work?

As I see no one got fired up because if this post… :slight_smile: Next time I will not post anything in the 64 bit section because no one is reading it :smiley:

Is there a forum or contact for hardware request? Does the openSure budget take hardware requests? :slight_smile:

Funny thing is ia32-libs doesn’t contain the file “libpng.so.3”

It contains libpng12… is that installed? May also be a gtk 32
library missing.

I would surmise that no one here has that hardware hence the lack of

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 2 days 17:21, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.28, 0.18
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 190.18

malcolmlewis wrote:


> Hi
> Funny thing is ia32-libs doesn’t contain the file “libpng.so.3”
> Debian -- Error
> It contains libpng12… is that installed? May also be a gtk 32
> library missing.
> I would surmise that no one here has that hardware hence the lack of
> responses.

I’m trying to get this working right now on 11.1 x64. I’ve got to the point
where hidpoint is downloading drivers (been that way for about 5 mins now
and it may have hung - there’s no internet activity. Just clicked next and
about to unplug and replug the kb.

My earlier attempts were foiled because the hidpoint installer was trying to
locate lib*.so* files in /usr/lib32 which by default, does not exist, so I
symlinked /usr/lib to /usr/lib32 and this has got the installer going.

The haardware i’m using is a brand new Logitech Media Keyboard 600 (first
impressions - quite a good kb for it’s price) and an MX620 cordless laser
mouse which I’m very pleased with - had it for several months.

> Hi
> Funny thing is ia32-libs doesn’t contain the file “libpng.so.3”
> Debian -- Error
> It contains libpng12… is that installed? May also be a gtk 32
> library missing.
> I would surmise that no one here has that hardware hence the lack of
> responses.

I’m trying to get this working right now on 11.1 x64. I’ve got to the
point where hidpoint is downloading drivers (been that way for about 5
mins now and it may have hung - there’s no internet activity. Just
clicked next and about to unplug and replug the kb.

My earlier attempts were foiled because the hidpoint installer was
trying to locate lib*.so* files in /usr/lib32 which by default, does
not exist, so I symlinked /usr/lib to /usr/lib32 and this has got the
installer going.

The haardware i’m using is a brand new Logitech Media Keyboard 600
(first impressions - quite a good kb for it’s price) and an MX620
cordless laser mouse which I’m very pleased with - had it for several
months. [/QUOTE]
If you look at the list on the supported platforms page, then enter
from the command line;

uname -r

Is it, or

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 2 days 18:35, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.10, 0.04
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 190.18

malcolmlewis wrote:

> Hi
> If you look at the list on the supported platforms page, then enter
> from the command line;

> uname -r

> Is it, or

Hi Malcolm,

I’m up-to-date with kernels, so I’m on

The hidpoint installer indicated that kernel is not supported, but I went
ahead anyway. I don’t yet know if the driver is working or where it is and
what it’s called. The hidpoint systray app can’t detect my kb and mouse
right now. I tried selecting them manually but no luck. I’m just about to
reboot and I will then check /var/log/messages and dmesg.

Also on the download page is;

NOTE: The current version of HIDPoint  supports the following 64 bit OS

Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10, Mint6 and Mint 7

We are working on 64 bit compatible version of HIDPoint for the other

So maybe a email to them and see what the status is with openSUSE

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 2 days 19:11, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.16, 0.15
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 190.18

malcolmlewis wrote:


Also on the download page is;

> NOTE: The current version of HIDPoint  supports the following 64 bit OS
> Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 8.10, Mint6 and Mint 7
> We are working on 64 bit compatible version of HIDPoint for the other
> Distros.

> So maybe a email to them and see what the status is with openSUSE
> support?

I have mailed the HIDPoint team asking for a driver for 11.1 x64, kernel and that I could build/test one. I looked in the drivers
forum where someone had asked about suse x64 but not had a reply - so I
don’t know if their forums are as active as these are. I looked into
HIDPoint a little - they are part of a company called Yodasoft Technologies
and are based in Bangalore.