Help with Tumbleweed configuration.


Let me start off by saying, I am new to opensuse. I have worked with in the far past but things change. I have experience with computers. I am a Windows System Admin, so, please excuse my lack of knowledge.

Now to the questions.

First, I loaded a Tumbleweed system on ESXi 6.0 using a SLES 12 profile. The OpenSuse profile does not support 3d video. I am trying to get the sound adapter working. I connect to the desktop using xrdp or VNC. When I try to set up a sound card telling me to load a module that is already loaded. “module-gsettings-pulseaudio” for some reason the system setup will not recognize it. Any ideas?

Second, the OpenSuse does not seem to recognize the vmware SVGA. I don’t know if the vmware tools are wrong. I tried to install the vmware tools instead of the open-vmware-tools, but that was a mess. If I open a console window in the vcenter the window will not adjust. I installed an Oracle linux server and the open-vmware-tools seem to work fine. Any thoughts?

Third, In the past, when I installed the OpenSuse desktop the desktop was very 3d. The themes were great. Since then, The industry has been making flat 2d themes, ( I blame Microsoft) Is it possible to change the desktop so everything is 3d again? I hate the stupid 2D interfaces people use now.

Hope you can help me.



Hello and welcome here.

There are a few thing that I do not understand.

You are talking about a SLES12 profile. I have no idea what that is. Remember that most of us here have never used SLES/SLED and thus do not have much experience/knowledge. For me, one installs openSUSE Tumbleweed (or not) and that hasn’t much to do with SLES.

When you then have problems with your graphics card, please start a thread about that in the Install/Boot/Login sub-forum. With a good title (do not use terms like “need help”, that needs everybody posting here in the technical help forums). Describe your hardware and what you exectly see and what you did to get it running.

When you have problems with sound, start a thread in the Multimedia sub-forums. Again, tell what you did to configure, tec. and what happened.

There is not such as “an openSUSE desktop”. On an openSUSE system there can be several DEs available and they can be used as wanted by a user. When you have a problem with a DE, start a thread in the Applications sub-forums. Of course you explain there what DE (KDE. Gnome, LXCE, …) you use and waht you do, what you expect to happen and what you got instead.

And when you have problems with Virtualisation, there is the Virtualization sub-forum.

Always remember that people have there specializations and thus will not browse through all sub-forums to see ig they can help. Also a good title will draw the attention of people who think they know something about the subject. Never assume people can read minds.

At last, there is only one correct spelling of the product: openSUSE.