I just upgraded cairo while trying to get beryl. I don’t know what version I upgraded too or what I had before. So I upgraded cairo using software installer from the main suse 10.2 OSS repo. Then when it was done I tried to open another firefox window and the window opened for a second and then closed. I thought it might of just been firefox so I tried opening gedit. That did the same thing. So I restarted my computer. When I started it back up it looked like it was going to gdm (the mouse was a spinning circle with a black screen) and then it went to tty1 and every few seconds went back to the black screen. It went back like 6 or 7
times before a box came up saying it had tried 6 times and failed in the past 90 seconds. I am writing this on my iPhone because that was my only computer. So I really need it fixed. Oh and I’m running sled 10 SP1.