Help Switch Regata OS from KDE to Gnome

As follows in here: Switch to GNOME from KDE I got as far as YaST / Desktop / Display Manager

hen I’m lost cause I see
XServer, Remote Access, Root Login Remote, Starts XServer, XServer TCP Port 6000 Open, Autologin, Password Less Login, Ad Integration

so I’m not sure where to look to kdm and change to gdm

Any assistance would be great!

@dorkydev Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
You need to use update-alternatives command, for example update-alternatives --list default-displaymanager and update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager

Okay Linux newcomer

So how exactly do I run that

Konsole and then?

All I see is sddm, console, sddm, xdm

Sorry, I am not used to any microos or Regata, but when gdm is not in the list, it is probably not installed.

BTW, you can still use any DM and still be able to login into all DEs you have available on the system.

And for alternatives there is also YaST > Miscelaneous > Alternatives.

Oh I used microos cause none of the other tags I tried would show up.

RegataOS is based off of Tumbleweed.

Hmmm, this is the openSUSE Forum. RegataOS is an own brasilian OS with different support, forum, website and developers…

…based off of and uses openSuSe, learn to read and not just selectively reading picking what you want.

where else to get better support than the root source.

All this doesn’t really matter, it’s just a fact of which is populated with users and activity.

Both can give the same amount of support and help.

Who’s to say I haven’t posted there already?

I will give you a hint from the RegataOS developers (read the FAQ!):

Is Regata OS just an easy-to-use version of openSUSE?
No. Regata OS has a different proposal than openSUSE and other Linux distributions based on openSUSE. While there are numerous subtle differences between Regata OS and openSUSE, the most obvious examples include our own applications, plus, of course, the target audience - Windows users.

Again: This is the openSUSE forum and RegataOS is a different OS with a different approach and developers. Nobody here can tell you what RegataOS devs changed (or broke). Ask at the right communication channels…

As already can be seen in the first comment, you misleaded potential helpers by chosing mircroos, which is a completely different OS…

I changed the tag to “other” above.

As explained. This is the openSUSE forums and not the Regata forums. I never saw here any one that showed to have any experience with Regata or even knew what it is. Thus the change of getting any advice based on Regata knowledge is almost nil.

Also take into account that all people here are openSUSE users that try to help fellow openSUSE users as volunteers and at least some of them try to help you by pointing to a better resource of help then here: Regata forums or other Regata support.

And to add some additional comments:
Yes, RegataOS states that their OS is based in some way on openSUSE, BUT:

  • they use their own installer
  • they use their own OS store (aka repositories…)
  • and other significant differences

That means, basic maintenance and configuration tools used in openSUSE are not available in RegataOS or are altered in a way that it fits the purpose of RegataOS.

Let me warn you: we don’t allow personal attacks.