HELP! NFS mounting fails with "mount.nfs: no such device"

Not the first time I’m setting up NFS, and all other times I succeeded. But this time, I didn’t.

I have 2 opensuse server, one on 10.3 (the client, addr 100.2) and one one 11.1 (the server, addr 101.2). The client says “mount.nfs: no such device”. More detailed:

mount.nfs: timeout set for Wed Apr 22 15:30:20 2009
mount.nfs: text-based options: ‘addr=’
mount.nfs: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot UDP port 55858
mount.nfs: text-based options: ‘addr=,nfsvers=3,proto=tcp,mountproto=udp’
mount.nfs: No such device

On the server side, nothing than quiteness in the logfiles :frowning: But tcpdump helps a bit:

15:01:11.522557 IP > varg.sunrpc: UDP, length 56
15:01:11.522746 IP varg.sunrpc > UDP, length 28
15:02:06.038467 IP > varg.sunrpc: UDP, length 56
15:02:06.038624 IP varg.sunrpc > UDP, length 28

So, there is traffic and it’s talking back to the client. But why is it not mounting??? I found somewhere on a website (, under Common NFS Errors) a statement, that the message means that nfs is not configured in the kernel???

Who can help out?

The client is on kernel

On Wed April 22 2009 08:46 am, edwinboersma wrote:

> Not the first time I’m setting up NFS, and all other times I succeeded.
> But this time, I didn’t.
> I have 2 opensuse server, one on 10.3 (the client, addr 100.2) and one
> one 11.1 (the server, addr 101.2). The client says “mount.nfs: no such
> device”. More detailed:
> Who can help out?
> The client is on kernel
Just use the mount command with the following syntax:

mount <server>: <remote path> <local path>

See also:
man mount

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green

Fixed my own problem…

The server was updated with a new kernel, but not rebooted yet >:(
So the message about nfs not being loaded into the kernel was actually right.