Help needed! I destroyed my MPlayer

Yesterday I destroyed my MPlayer by trying to make FireFox play streaming videos.
Since I’m new in linux, I’m stuck with a problem that I can not solve. I need help from experienced someone.

This is what happened:
I wanted to watch some streaming videos on the web, but FireFox gave me some message complaining; something concerning ASF codecs, plugins…
I installed some gstreamer-0_10-plugins and tried to play the web movie again. This time FireFox gave me different complaint; related to Windows Media Video 9 decoder.
While searching forums for a solution I found that there is mplayerplug-in for playing web movies. I decided to give it a try and installed the mplayerplug-in. In FireFox the mplayerplug-in started, but no movie is playing. Pressing play button results in following messages:

Getting playlist…

Changing mplayerplug-in configuration “Video Output: x11”, “Audio Output: alsa” didn’t help.
I tried to install more of gstreamer-0_10 stuff, but it also didn’t help.

After some more searching the forums I gave up and decided to undo the changes that were made to my system. First I uninstalled mplayerplug-in and checked if FireFox is behaving normally again. To my surprise :O, the streaming web movie was playing this time in its default Totem plugin. Unfortunately only the sound was playing, but no video (when minimizing and maximizing FireFox window, video shortly appeared but also quickly disappeared). After all, some progress is made.

Unfortunately, my luck was short lived. Shortly after I discovered what was the price of having “at least” sound in FireFox.
Actually my MPlayer is not working any more >:(. When I tried to watch a DVD movie it gave me following message:

MPlayer has finished unexpectedly. Exit code 127

Show log button gives:

/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv -ao oss -zoom -nokeepaspect -framedrop -nodr -double -input conf=/usr//share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 67108876 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-color ffff0000 -ass-border-color 00000000 -subfont-autoscale 1 -ass-font-scale 1 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -dvd-device /dev/dvd -chapter 1 -dvdangle 1 -nocache -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 dvd://1

/usr/bin/mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is to much for me. I have no clue what to do with it. Can someone help me fix MPlayer?

By the way, I’m making regular backups of my system with System Backup - YaST utility. Maybe I can restore my system to the previous state (i.e. with functioning MPlayer) using System Restoration - YaST utility. Can someone give me guidelines what to restore?
(Last time when I used System Restoration I ended up with non-bootable system “Error 15: File not found”. I had to install SUSE from scratch.)

mplayer is borked because it’s looking for a library that isn’t there anymore (maybe you uninstalled it?). the library is Open up YaST, go to software management, and search for libcaca0 and install it - it provides

Had the same problem when I installed KDE 4.1.2.
Alhamdulillah, problem solved now. :wink:

Thank you, this was a good hint. I have reinstalled libcaca0 and now my MPlayer works again.

Any idea how to fix FireFox issue? When I watch .wmv in FireFox, there is only sound, no picture.
Today I discovered that moving FireFox window in the screen space can result in picture too. However, the picture disappears on a slightest disturbance (for example when the FireFox window is maximized, or moved again).
Also by clicking with the right mouse button in the viewing area I can chose “Open with Totem”. Totem always starts playing video without sound. The picture appears only when I move Totem window, and it can easily disappear on slightest movement.

Sorry, I ment; Totem always starts playing video without picture.