It would appear that on May 30, ab did say:
> Heard from where? If it was from a source that controls whatever reads
> ~/.fonts now the chances that it also documents a replacement seems high.
> If not… is it even true? I use ~/.fonts all of the time and if/when
> it breaks I guess I’ll look for the fix and find it in a few seconds
> thanks to Google.
> Speaking of Google, it can’t find much on that, but it does find something
> about ~/.fonts.conf.d being deprecated, but that’s not the same thing. Is
> that what you mean? If so, I think this is not really going to affect
> you, or me for that matter.
Seams that your right… My source was a konsole screen when some console app
fired up a gui app (Probably was alpine launching firefox, but I was to tired
to do more than wonder “What the {expletive deleted}” When I saw it scroll
by. Then when I posted this question the next day my memory was a bit faded…
Trying to replicate it to more accurately quote the source failed until I
began to suspect that I might have booted a different distribution that day.
I had just done a zypper up on my laptop’s opensuse, as well as equivalent
commands on each of the other 3 installed Linux distros including I remember
that it had been so long since I’d updated the Sabayon installation that it
took many hours… Evidently when I finished I failed to reboot into
opensuse before checking my mail, which contained a link, that on Sabayon
Linux resulted in a terminal error text of:
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.
So like I said, your right! {my bad…}
It would appear that on May 30, GeoBaltz did say:
> Not sure if this is what you heard, but it’s all I’ve seen (so far)
> about deprecating font stuff.
> When I updated to 12.3, I started getting nastygrams in
> …xsession-errors saying something like “Reading info from ~/.fonts.conf
> is deprecated” (not the exact wording). I did find a bug report (that I
> can’t locate right now) that said the default location was moving, and
> to make the messages go away enter:
> Code:
> --------------------
> mkdir ~/.config/fontconfig
> mv ~/.fonts.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
> --------------------
> No more messages. YMMV
Now that might just be worth doing… Thanks!
It would appear that on May 31, vazhavandan did say:
> ~/.fonts folder does work as intended on openSUSE 12.3
Ouch! If that’s the case, I’m glad I’m still using 12.2…
What happens with 12.3? And do you have a workaround for the problem???
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