Has hddtemp gone away?

I use hddtemp to display disk temps in conky, but it’s been orphaned for Tumbleweed, I believe.

> sudo zypper se hddtemp
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name    | Summary                    | Type
il | hddtemp | Hard disk temperature tool | package

I have the normal repos, including packman, enabled and it’s not showing up. I managed to grab the rpm from http://download.opensuse.org/history/20210329/tumbleweed/repo/oss/x86_64/ in case I ever need it again, but that will go away soon if I understand the history page correctly. Is this package going away?


Yes, from memory it was discussed on the Factory Mailing List. I use smartctl and sensors which works for nvme devices these days…

I removed the broken link to Factory, so you should be able to get a build from the Utilities repo going forward :wink:


Thanks! I also worked out this solution, although it may use a little cpu time.

> grep Crucial .conkyrc
${goto 775}${color0}SSD:$color ${exec /usr/bin/dc -e "$(/usr/bin/udisksctl info -d Crucial_CT500MX200SSD1_155111601624  | /usr/bin/sed -n -e 's/.*SmartTemperature:^0-9]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 273 - n"}°C\

/usr/bin/dc is part of the bc package.


I just run a systemd timer/service every hour to collect the data I’m after for the likes of disk drives etc…

879427  State:accepted   By:dimstar_suse When:2021-05-02T16:35:57
        delete:                                                             openSUSE:Factory/hddtemp
        Descr: - i386 build fails because it uses a version-specific glibc API
               of a     bygone time that has been long removed; patch is
               possible, but is     it worth it?   - hddtemp does not work for
               contemporary devices (NVME)   - the smartctl command is already
               able to print the temperature (even NVME)   - upstream git repo
               has seen no development in 10.5 years   - no directly assigned
               maintainer in the openSUSE realm for hddtemp

If you want it to continue someone needs to step in as maintainer, fix build and explain why this package is needed when alternatives are available.