Hardware Compatibilty List

I am going to buy a smart card reader, able to read Italian Identity Cards of 3rd level and I thought, I can get help from the OpenSuse Hardware Compatibility Database.
But it is very old, at least for the “others” category: the last tested Suse version is the 11.3 one (before the Leap age)!
In my case, it is about smart card readers, but in general:
does anyone know, where one can check, which hardware unities are compatible with current OpenSuse or Linux OS?

Many thanks in advance for suggestions.

Passports of the European Union need to have a ICAO 9303 compatible wireless chip.

I do not know a list with hardware that is Linux compatible but in general that is only a minor problem, the bigger problem being the driver/libraries/software to run it.

I did a bit of searching and found this project:

It has a link on which scanner they used and that still can be bought it looks to me but they also have information on the driver, and there I found:

CCID/ICCD readers

Thank you a lot for mentioning the ICAO specifications. This could be a criteria on searching for the appropriate readers.
And many thanks also for the links to the GitHub project and the CID/ICCD readers webpage; they look like interesting and I’ll give a look on them.

About software & co.
I don’t think, there will be problems - at least for me, because the Italian Public Administration offers the appropriate software for all Desktop-PC OS and for Linux there are DEB, RPM and trackball versions:
but sadly only in Italian language …
I’ve already installed it on my OpenSuse Leap 15.4 without problems or dependency issues.
Not completely tested, cause I have not yet the smart card reader. Anyway it starts regularly …