Hardware Compatibility

Hi All!
I’ve this PC with Windows XP SP3 and i would like to install OpenSUSE 11.1. I’m not up-to-date with ATI and AMD hardware compatibility with OpenSUSE, so can someone tell me if there is any problem with this hardware?

CPU: AMD Sempron LE-1200
Video Card: ATI Radeon X300 Series
HDD: Maxtor STM3160215A with about 150 GB

Thanks in advance,


check here
Hardware - openSUSE


Radeon X300

Autodetected Image:22px-Tick.png - 3D Support Image:22px-Tick.png YOU does not have the proprietary driver. See the HOWTO
SUSE Linux Release(s): 10.0

Hmmm… so the video card is supported!
What about CPU and Hard Disk?

I would be Very surprised if there was an issue there.

Give the live cd a try

Ok, many thanks! I’ll try the live-cd first.

Bye bye

Another question:
Does OpenSUSE supports resizing NTFS partitions or i must use GParted?
So, if i would like to resize the NTFS Windows XP SP3 partition i must defrag it before?

Thanks again!


The best option is to install it on a separate drive. I say this because if you’ve never done this before, you run the risk of damaging your Windows installation. Besides drives are cheap enough.

be careful, don’t try and shrink xp too small. make sure you backup important data.

hawake schrieb:
> I’ve this PC with Windows XP SP3 and i would like to install OpenSUSE
> 11.1. [C]an someone tell me if there is any problem with this
> hardware?
> CPU: AMD Sempron LE-1200
> RAM: 2 GB
> Video Card: ATI Radeon X300 Series
> HDD: Maxtor STM3160215A with about 150 GB

Should be fine. I’d recommend just trying it with a Live CD in order
to be sure, though. There could always be problems lurking in the
parts you didn’t mention.


RCCrouch schrieb:
> The best option is to install it on a separate drive. I say this because
> if you’ve never done this before, you run the risk of damaging your
> Windows installation. Besides drives are cheap enough.

Hmm, I wonder. According to the review I read today in the German magazine
c’t, the 11.1 installer screws up the boot configuration if you install to
to a separate disk drive. Didn’t try it myself, but the c’t folks usually
know their stuff.

I must have done over a dozen installs with 2 HD setup. The installer always does exactly as I ask it.

I know some have had issues, but I’m convinced they just have not double checked!!